Academic cowardice and the world does not care for college football.

I have some news for the Left. My love is outlawed. For I try, and fail, to obey the greatest command. To love the LORD my God with all my heart and soul and mind. The last two generations have forgotten that: thinking that if they regulate how we love our neighbour we will have a new Jerusalem and need not heaven.

But we still die at the appointed time, and still face judgment.

“Would you be happy if YOUR love was outlawed?”, said the message outside a well-know Londoner shop chain after Obergefell. This astonishing senseless piece of childish stupidity would have had the allegedly uneducated peasant of 1910 laughing out loud, but the allegedly far better educated young people of today are unable to even see what functional retards they have become, what total absence of thinking lies behind this emotional, brainless fluff unable to even recognise the possibility of anything like good and bad, provided they can sacrifice on the altar of the new god of their functionally retarded minds, Lurv.

The West has created, in only two generations, an army of stupid oxes utterly unable to think logically, without any concept of morality, without the slightest idea of right and wrong, and manipulated at will by a bunch of proto-communists who hate everything that is sacred, and in many cases certainly side with Satan. How more intelligent, and how less prone to manipulation were their peasant ancestors: who, though not educated, had firm coordinates concerning right and wrong, justice and injustice, true love and veritable abomination, the law of God and the sinfulness of man.

The modern Functional Retard has a degree in something often useless even in real life, and almos always utterly unusable to get to heaven. In this Country, he is not unlikely to be even unable to spell. But he thinks he is well educated, and able to decide what it right, or wrong, or “love”.

Retards with a useless degree, prepped for hell in huge numbers. This is what the last two generations have given us.

I have some bad news to this current generation of students. Most of you have been duped. You will not get a middle class job with that degree: completing that Arts degree is a signal that you are craven, stupid or both, and will need instruction on the correct handling of a mop. The modern academy has some places with rigour — but they are when lives are at stake, such as medicine, nursing or engineering. Or where there sufficient math that most girls won’t survive.

Students of history will notice an alarming similarity in the video above to the “struggle sessions” of Maoist China, a form of public shaming in which perceived enemies of the Party would be surrounded in a public place by Red Guards, Mao’s most zealous supporters. The Red Guards would hurl abuse at their target until they confessed to their crimes.

Uninformed critics might argue that the Red Guards were a weapon of the Communist state, and not a genuine grassroots movement, but they’d be wrong: the Red Guards started out as a student movement, on Chinese campuses. Afraid yet?

College staff finally are. Earlier this year, Vox published an essay from a liberal professor who confessed that the zealotry of his own students frightened him. Earlier this month, Salon published an article from a black feminist film studies lecturer, describing her “disastrous” attempt to accommodate her students’ strangely aggressive emotional fragility. It seems the left, and especially the academic left, has finally woken up to the Frankenstein’s monster that they’ve constructed.

You’ll forgive me if I lack sympathy. Conservatives have warned for decades that the proliferation of women’s studies, colonial studies, gay studies, and an assortment of other oppression-studies courses would end in tears. We also warned you that campus speech codes were a bad idea.

And when conservatives and critics of Islam started being banned on campuses up and down the country, we warned you that a tidal wave of zealotry, intolerance, and even totalitarianism was coming. Now it’s here. As a famous internet meme goes, you only had to listen. Now it’s too late

That was at Yale. It has just devalued its degree. People had difficulty taking it seriously when they claimed that Bush the Shrub was a student there, but he did not demand that he was kept safe and comfortable.

A four year degree from Yale is now a red flag: such people are too risky to hire. But… the US college administrators somewhere along the way lost their spine and testes. The president of the University of Missouri has resigned because the football players went on strike. He should have shut the program down, and used the savings to balance his budget.

When men with souls made of cotton candy wilt in the face of this sort of absurdity, it encourages it. Wolfe is, by his resignation, rewarding destructive and deeply illiberal behavior. (In response to the racism hysteria, a student went on a hunger strike, and a group of black players on the football team threatened to boycott the remainder of the season. That a 4–5 team might skip the remainder of its games is hardly an institutional crisis, but the preservation of mediocrity is the highest priority of college administrators.)

Unless you need the credentials, avoid a US college. You can get educated cheaper, better, and with more rigour elsewhere: indeed, almost anywhere else. Besides, you will learn that most of the world does not care about college football.