Godwin’s miscegenated stupid is by design.

This is peak stupidity crossbred with Godwin’s Law, set off, apparently, by people bring home Hindu religious symbols… and then taking them to a Jewish Dorm. Which is apparently a hate crime.

Which makes the term hate crime — the concept, if you will — so broad as to be without meaning. So Kevin Williamson from the National Review had some fun.

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The resemblance between the Hindu swastika and the Nazi swastika is not coincidental. The eastern fascinations of Adolf Hitler’s inner circle, particularly those of Heinrich Himmler, are well known, and the connection between the Third Reich and exotic mystical traditions lives on in the very odd world of “esoteric Nazism.” (This is a very amusing book on the subject.) The Nazis’ hijacking of the swastika was, culturally speaking, a very thorough one; when living in India, I found the symbol’s ubiquity jarring, even in a land rich with striking religious images.
I never got used to it. It often is painted over doors, and my newspaper’s offices once were visited by a holy man who broke a coconut and finger-painted swastikas on our new computers for good luck. They were Windows boxes, unfortunately, and thus beyond even the intercession of the infinite proceeding from the infinite.
You cannot not notice a swastika. But that doesn’t mean that you must proceed as though you are too stupid to tell the difference between Nazi vandalism and something that is — let’s be clear here — not Nazi vandalism.

With his endless need for trigger warnings and sensitivity seminars, the modern campus progressive puts himself in a peculiar position: He is at once hostage-taker and hostage. He demands restrictions on speech and thought — but only some speech and some thought — because he is so delicate that an unwelcome word is indistinguishable from a mortal threat. You can call Sarah Palin a . . . very unkind term for a woman, or you can call for the murder of Republican politicians or Christians or white men, and it’s ho-hum. Call a man in a dress a man in a dress and you’ve committed a hate crime. And the Left does want these things to be crimes. I am not much of an admirer of so-called reparative therapy for homosexuals, but it is preposterous that it should be a crime to offer counseling to a man who wishes to lead a normal sex life. It is preposterous that it should be a crime to use the male pronoun when describing a man in a dress. But Barack Obama has endorsed criminalizing unpopular counseling, the only pseudoscience he does not want to subsidize, and there are many voices on the Left demanding that “misgendering” — declining to participate actively in the fantasies of transsexuals — should be made a crime.

There is a reason for stupidity, and that is that we need to be kept away from the Western Canon. For that would teach about logic, beauty: forms, and debate what is the truth. And joy may sneak in. Our blindfolds will fall off, and we will see reality, in all its glorious terror.

And we may then hear the call of God.

Because if we are encouraged to think about Truth, to examine reality, then there is a chance that we will come to Christ. We can’t be satisfied with sugar once we’ve tasted steak. That’s why post-modernism came, to kill truth. Because if you think, “What makes my meditation meaningful” and extrapolate out to the gods and goddesses of Hinduism, or the spirits of Tibetan Buddhism, or the worship of Astarte… perhaps you find that the God of the Bible is suddenly *much* more appealing? Truth frees you from falsehood. Yes, some of the pagans were forced to convert – but the gospel was good news to so many, many more.

In the World, truth is dead – and it is dead because it is dangerous. Conservative Christian attempts to use logic to argue with Worldlings is like trying to perform CPR on a corpse. They don’t speak logic any more, and the bracing cold of truth is but a breeze that ruffles their hair. They are defended by their own willful delusions.

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The elite want us blindfolded, so we realize not we are in the hand of an angry God. The particularly do not want us to read about it… Much better say it was all written by white men. Even if, like Augustine, they came from Africa.

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