Doubleplusungoodthink for y’all [Quotage]

This is going to sound heretical to SJW, but they are the establishment, they parrot the memes of the elite, and they control the organs of all institutions, including the church: this is the rancid fruit of Gramsci teaching socialists to lie continually as they perform a “long march through the institutions”.

And this is not sustainable. It will change. The aim of the Christian faithful is to return to being the majority, where the church, not the university is the correction and conscience of the nation.

The goal of a minority school of thought should be to ultimately either displace the majority or to carve out a defensible position in which the former minority view becomes the dominant view. Defense is much easier than attack. It costs the defense comparatively nothing to protect their social position relative to how expensive it is to attack it.

The goal should not be to behave as if remaining on the fringe is all that you care about.

Also, this post is intended to be a warning to people, especially young people, who step into this sort of thing casually. Staying power is much tougher than getting some initial success, just because the immediate rewards for quitting are high, and the reward for sticking with it has an uncertain payoff.

Noooooo. I have too much work when I get back from leave already. Chris Muir, Day by day.

And the situation we find ourselves in, if we are good corporate citizens, listening to our political officers (SJWs) is depressing, to put it mildly.

Attributing all of this to a single phenomenon would be wrong, but much of it is downstream of the consequences of the equality doctrine. When men and women are encouraged to become equal, the sexual polarity is no longer present, and when there is no polarity, there is no attraction.

The media picks up on this. There is no surer way to sell magazines (besides putting Dr. Oz on the cover) than by putting an exceptionally masculine or exceptionally feminine person on it. The articles will tell people to be androgynous, but the pictures will be of sexually polarized people doing super-sexy things, cavorting in bikinis while telling women to work hard so that they can afford a better class of lipstick, and not to sweat it if they get fat.

The media becomes hyper-erotic to compensate for the elimination of eroticism from real life. The ugliness of public spaces, of the workplace, the excessive abstraction in the arts, draws the common people into flashy media in which some eroticism is still permitted. Feminists and other social justice warriors seize on even this, demanding that art portray people as androgynous as they are in real life, because it shows them up and attracts the imagination.

The way out of the situation is to drop the pretensions to equality.

It is also to present a superior alternative to the Brezhnev-like androgyny that’s become more common to the West, both in art and in reality. The reason why the Greeks had all those heroically proportioned statues were to show people what the body ought to look like in its ideal form. When we stop providing those ideal forms, or denigrate them, the people begin to physically degenerate into formless blobs, abstractions even in their own flesh.

It’s remarkable how many of the aesthetic criticisms of Communist life apply to the contemporary social scene: the dumpy, disheveled Soviet woman is the dumpy, disheveled American woman of today, putting in time to meet her quota, putting on her serious face in an ‘important’ meeting and then sobbing in the bathroom.

SJW and feminists: making women’s life miserable since 1890.

One thought on “Doubleplusungoodthink for y’all [Quotage]

  1. I believe it stretches back further.

    But at least they’re not slaughtering the innocent…. oh, wait.

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