A prayer for White Ribbon Day.

I have had the people come around and ask me to wear a ribbon to stop male violence. I refused: I do every year. A voice for men has put up a series of posts, including an examination of white ribbon Australia’s funding — which does not go to battered women, but to keeping themselves afloat (And they are making losses despite 2.5 million Ozbucks income).

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This is taken from the comments at that post.

Lord Jesus, today is White Ribbon Day and for many of us who are battered men, it is a very bad day. It is the day when we are reminded of how society blames us for being abused – either it automatically views us as the abusers based on our gender, downplays the scars we endured or blames us for “allowing ourselves to be abused” – sometimes a combination of the three. According to the ways of the world, the worst thing that I and other men can be, is a victim of abusive women; the worst thing we can have is scars from that abuse; the worst thing we can do is allow those scars to be visible.

Lord, you often spoke of how your ways and thoughts were above the ways and thoughts of the world. You spoke of the lost sheep, the parable of the Good Samaritan, your herald, John the Baptist, was murdered by the acts of an abusive woman and your very crucifixion was the embodiment of male vulnerability and victimhood.

Lord, I beg you as a battered man, to come to me in my hour of need and to come to my battered brothers in their hour of need and remind us that your love, your compassion and your justice transcends the bigotry of the world. I beg you to open the hearts, eyes and minds of those in society, that they may see that all abuse is serious and wrong regardless of gender, that they may know that gender shouldn’t determine whether justice and compassion are given and that their heart may pour out compassion for the male victims of female abusers, who are invisible to so many.

I humbly beg these things in your name.


Yep. On behalf of all those who have suffered under this current system, Amen.