Are the SJWs the Jacobins of this time.

I agree with Lenin. I am an intellectual and a property owner, which makes me middle class, in French Bourgeois, and as such I am hated by all good revolutionaries. And I see the Jacobin terror as an example of the tyranny of the mob: of arbitrary, mass murder. Lenin did not: he saw rivers of blood as part of a revolution. To quote Pravda, from 1917: it is worthwhile noting that you see the beginning of political correctness and Social Justice Revolutionary work here: for the correct historian is the revolutionary, that proletarian who has never got grease on his hands, and only has calluses on his soul.

Bourgeois historians see Jacobinism as a fall (“to stoop”). Proletarian historians see Jacobinism as one of the highest peaks in the emancipation struggle of an oppressed class. The Jacobins gave France the best models of a democratic revolution and of resistance to a coalition of monarchs against a republic. The Jacobins were not destined to win complete victory, chiefly because eighteenth-century France was surrounded on the continent by much too backward countries, and because France herself lacked the material basis for socialism, there being no banks, no capitalist syndicates, no machine industry and no railways.

“Jacobinism” in Europe or on the boundary line between Europe and Asia in the twentieth century would be the rule of the revolutionary class, of the proletariat, which, supported by the peasant poor and taking advantage of the existing material basis for advancing to socialism, could not only provide all the great, ineradicable, unforgettable things provided by the Jacobins in the eighteenth century, but bring about a lasting world-wide victory for the working people.

It is natural for the bourgeoisie to hate Jacobinism. It is natural for the petty bourgeoisie to dread it. The class-conscious workers and working people generally put their trust in the transfer of power to the revolutionary, oppressed class for that is the essence of Jacobinism, the only way out of the present crisis, and the only remedy for economic dislocation and the war.

Yeah, and the bastards made many saints and martyrs in their bloody attempt to make revolution continue, to the point of burn-out and failure.

Now the trouble is that Leninist logic remains one of the tools of the radical: if you cannot make a person agree with you, they must be silenced: they must be disempowered, they must not have the franchise.

Instead one must continue down the same path of revolution: it may no longer come out of the barrel of a gun, but instead is embedded within the state. The sufragettes now run league tables of feminist progress.

Now the tactics of the left are the same: to obtain power and then freeze out those who are seen as enemies. This is now being seen, not with mere words or threats, but with doxxing — publicising where people live — and making false calls to emergency services, often with the hope that the police will turn up, armed, and arrest the person (or he will be killed by the cop acting, unwittingly, as an agent of class justice, starting a terror. The parallels with the Jacobins are there, but the second aim of getting the general public to mistrust the state is also thought to be useful, as it may set the grounds for further revolution.

however. the cultural Marxists forget that the state is them, and the people who are being mistrusted are them.

The other error Lenin made which the SJW continue is that lenin lied. COntinually. As a revolutionary act. He relied on the Red Army — run by Trotsky, who his acolyte Stalin killed — to enforce this truth. That may work if you control all means of public discourse, but it does not work if there is a single place where people can speak honestly.

For then people will remember, share, and get angry.

NK Jemisin told precisely the same sort of lie, although she lied about me being a “a self-described misogynist, racist, anti-Semite, and a few other flavors of asshole” rather than being “a self admitted white supremacist”. Again, I have never described myself as any of those things. Of course, if we know one thing about the pinkshirts, it is that they have a problematic relationship with the truth.

In any event, what Sparklepunter is trying to do is to “fix-and-freeze” the opposition, in order to DISQUALIFY me, and through me, #GamerGate. But not only is his attempt to do so inept, but the very fact that he made it at all demonstrates how the gamerhating pinkshirts are overmatched. It’s an intrinsically 2GW way of thinking, to make contact, then call in for fire support. But even if he did manage to somehow completely disqualify me – a dubious proposition in light of more than 10 years of failed attempts that have only seen my site numbers grow – it wouldn’t matter any more than a USAF drone strike killing yet another “al-Qaeda Number Two”.

In this regard, #GamerGate and the response to it has been a fascinating illustration of 2GW vs 4GW. And it is an illuminating lesson concerning the truth of William S. Lind’s statement, “almost always, the state is losing.” In this case, applied 4GW marks the end of the media’s ability to control the narrative.

Lenin thought the state could define truth. He was wrong. Truth is not a dialectic. Truth is what is on the ground. And no amount of intersectionality, post modern snark, and SJW temper tantrums can change that. Far better to name the problems we have, test solutions for them, and move on together. The irony that the state is falling away from our discourse as we move from a period of mass media and from mass production to a maker and hacker culture is lost on these people, stuck in the mindset of a Victorian revolutionary. we are moving to a time where there will be a series of commonwealth type groups, shared alliances, and smaller states. The imperial model (shared by the EU, the Soviets, Chinese, Indians and in the USA) carries too big a cost.

Far better we live quietly and care for our neighbours. Let the Jacobins return to the pages of history: let us not repeat their bloody errors. For in the end, the Jacobins who survived being killed by each other were destroyed by the society they tried to expunge.