I’ve seen the future, brother, and its murder. [Leonard Cohen, quotage]

It’s hump day. Yes, I am quoting in the title, it is from Leonard Cohen. This is a version of the song from a 2013 in the Vector Arena, Auckland. The guy exudes wit, not snark.

I am looking at the tea leaves and patterns. In my nation, the unemployment and crime rates are way down and we are in surplus. This is what coming out of a depression looks like, and this is a country where the rules around marital breakdown are simple: split everything in half and provide for the kids. Marriage or not.

We do not have men going to jail or losing their licence to trade because they have not paid their child support. They lose their passport instead, which means you cannot get to the nearest IKEA.

More importantly, we are in debt, but not bankrupt. The US is. The EU is. There is poverty coming, and it will not be good for those who rely on charity, including that given from whatever money the taxman can grind from depressed businesses.

Feminists like to snark about fish and bicycles, but fail to recognize that they live in a world where all the things they take for granted (like indoor plumbing, electricity, central heat and AC, modern transportation, radio, television, computers, the internet….you get the picture) were discovered/invented, built, repaired, and maintained by men. You’re welcome.

If women ruled the world, civilization would not survive past the next oil change.

There are consequences to this. Men will not hang around where they are not wanted, and the atmosphere is becoming more hostile by the day. A social welfare state is a luxury. It’s worth noting that poorer countries, like Russia, now have more children, in part because the only way to raise a child is to marry up the father, so women have to choose more carefully.

Since the constraints on women are gone, women have rejected assorted mating in favor of the carousel. If you’re willing to stoop low enough to marry the woman who will have you, you’re still taking a risk that she will frivorce you for the cash and prizes.

Two years ago I left to the United States permanently for Russia. A lot of living in this world is simply a pain in the ass. (You wouldn’t believe what an ordeal getting a driver’s license is here.) But most of the things that people complain about on this blog don’t apply here. If you become a single mother in Russia, your life sucks. There’s no free rain of welfare state goodies to feed your bastard spawn. If you want to have a good life with a child, you’d better pick the stand-up beta. And you’d better stay married: the cash-and-prizes aspect of palimony doesn’t exist here. A lot of divorced guys just don’t pay their child support and the system is too inefficient and too toothless to do anything meaningful.

To put it bluntly, if you are a Russian women and cannot keep your man you are going to end up living a life that is nastier, more brutal and shorter than it already is in a place that is cold, brutal and considers life of low value. We should not deceive ourselves that it cannot happen in the West.

The welfare system will go under this decade, I believe with most units of gov’t having finances that lousy. Expect child support collections to plummet both from the economy continuing to auger in, and ever-increasing outright resistance from men to paying it. I think telling a mulling-going-wayward-and-frivorcing wife that you’ll just live in the woods/get cash jobs, and she’ll never see a child support/alimony dime will prevent more divorce than any appeal to the Bible will anytime soon.

At present the elite are against those who preach truth. Nothing new there. But the more sensible women still know that only having the social welfare net leaves them one foolish government away from penury or prostitution. Regardless of how rich your nation is. And the US has had several foolish governments in a row.

Do not put your trust in princes, folks, and marry that person who will be faithful, who you can trust your life, fortune and sacred honour to.