The lavendar bully, Mozilla, and the Vox. [quotage]

I like and use Mozilla products. Almost every computer I have uses open source software, and open source is a meritocracy. People care how good your code is, not if you are a democrat or republicrat, gay, straight or confused, or whatever. But the Mozilla boss is being hauled over the coals by the perpetually offended petunias because he supported an anti-gay-marriage proposition.

He appeased.

Appeasement does not work with bullies. Never has, never will. Vox gives him some hints: use a LART.

When confronted by a pressure group,
one should never apologize and never back down. Confront every challenger outside the organization and crush every challenger inside it. People respect strength and confidence in a leader, even when they disagree with him, because at least he shows that he is decisive and is capable of providing direction. Ironically, in his inept response to the attacks on him, Eich has shown that he is unfit for leadership because he is fundamentally a follower.

What he should have said is: “Like everyone else at Mozilla, I am free to donate to any political organization or cause I choose. It is no one’s business here to tell me to whom I can and cannot donate my money, in the past or in the future. I have donated another $10,000 to [some anti-homogamy outfit], fired Mr. McAvoy for cause, and I will fire any other Mozilla employee or volunteer who publicly demands that this organization to cater to his personal political or ideological beliefs instead of pursuing our corporate objectives.”

Oh dear. Let’s not use a LART yet, eh?

You see, we are either free or we are not. Vox is correct here. And just because a society permits some things — gambling for instance — does not mean that they are praiseworthy.

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