On the destruction of the elite.

Natalie Solent, from the always good Samizdata.
The typical member of the British ruling class of yesteryear was complacent, arrogant, and a hypocrite. However his public school had at least imbued him with one particular virtue, or, failing…
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Churchian Trolls

I'm not going to do much linking today. Because I am quite aware that there are people trolling through the Christian manosphere, making censorious comments about us. Holding what we said and what we have repented from against us. And pulling… Read More

Rescuing Jargon from the scrapheap… first in a series.

From the Jargon File
LART: Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool. 1. n. In the collective mythos of scary devil monastery, this is an essential item in the toolkit of every BOFH. The LART classic is a 2x4 or other large billet of…
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Economic quotage (I hate makework)

Cathy Odgers on women being shareholders not over-educated board slaves.
Maori and women now have as equal chance as white boys from Kings of getting to University should they study hard and pass exams. Standardised testing means we can be…
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Mission > Feelings.

We live in a time when the emotional outweighs the rational. Instead of emphasizing reason in our discourse and rhetoric, we like emotion: the very ideo of using those facts is seen as cruel, insensitive. As if we can do anything about it. This robs… Read More

Christ and (not) chivalry.

Yesterday I wrote a comment about the current meme of chivalry. The context seems to be its death, and its conflation with common decency. For we cannot choose how people will respond to us.
Chivalry is an institution rooted in the medieval…
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Charity destroys chivalry.

There are two parts this: two readings, and a context. To start with, I need to define charity. It comes from the Latin caritas. which is how St Jerome decided to translate agape or disinterested love. Agape is not nice love, because it wants the… Read More