Economic quotage (I hate makework)

Cathy Odgers on women being shareholders not over-educated board slaves.

Maori and women now have as equal chance as white boys from Kings of getting to University should they study hard and pass exams. Standardised testing means we can be measured against these little elitist mollycoddled arsewipes from a very young age.

Once at University though women study fiscally worthless subjects guaranteed to ensure they are not actually marketable to afford even a first home on their own. Those of us who do not conform to such mediocrity are taunted by these women who do so. Then they get their panties in a knot when we ignore them and continue anyway. Many become Human Resource Managers or involved in marketing roles. These are classic roles occupied in large companies by women. Twenty years ago no man was silly enough to allow the roles to even exist.

Cathy is showing her age. There is no way that NCEA can be considered an standardized test, which is why health sciences uses MCAT. (Yes, in NZ you sit that in year one — just out of school — to get into year two)

Aurini agrees and amplifies on this

We try time and time again to explain to these women that in the long run they were better off under Patriarchy:

1. Working is not fulfillment – you’re sorting paper to help make someone else rich. True fulfillment comes from working on your own projects, and the most important project the vast majority of people will ever have is their family. An intact family cannot occur without a primary caregiver; if you’re going to pawn your children off on nannies you’d better have something more important than a law-firm or a marketing agency to go to.

2. Many goods in life are positional in nature; with twice as many people working as wage-earners, housing doubles in price. In the patriarchal society the husband worked, the wife tended the home, and they had a nice house; now they both work, they eat fast-food and TV dinners, and they live in the same house.

3. Being a wife is not boring – most of the industries women work in nowadays (Human Resources, charity, social work, childcare) are what they were doing back then, too – only back then they answered to themselves and their community, not an impersonal bureaucracy.

4. Many of the jobs they work are not economically feasible – they only exist because of massive government intervention in the economy. State sponsored day care, sexual harassment legislation, subsidies and bursaries for women – ladies, you’re doing make work, while your grandmothers stayed home and did real work.

And the list goes on…

Penelope Trask, who is in no way a traditionalist, is realistic enough to realize that most of the advice given out (go to university, do what you like) worked when we were rich, but those days are gone. She suggests, for women who want kids….

Austerity is not fun. But you can call it something trendy, like minimalism or slow food.Your ability to manage your life will be nil if you are ruled by financial problems. So that means no big house, no expensive car, no huge vacations. You need control over your life more than you need that stuff. You have more career flexibility, more time flexibility, and more personal flexibility if you can keep your expenses way below what you earn. In this scenario, you do not have to fight with your husband about money. (You can fight about sex and in-laws, which are the other two of the three most popular fight topics.) Also, you can stay home with kids if you want to. And if you don’t want to, you can just be you and admit it. Don’t say you are not with your kids all day because you need the money.

The world will not look kindly on people who put their kids into public school. We all know that learning is best when it’s customized to the child and we all know that public schools are not able to do that effectively. And the truly game-changing private schools cost $40,000 a year.

It’s clear is that homeschooled kids will rule the world when Generation Z enters the workplace. So figure out a way to alleviate mommy guilt by homeschooling your kids to get them on that path. You don’t have to do the teaching yourself. You can pay someone. But you need to get your kids out of a system that everyone knows does not work.

The current situation is broken. We need to find better and more austere ways of coping, gain control of our own lives back from the elite (as Stross says, professionals will cream amateurs in any field).

You have to think of jobs, not a career. Your mission is not your job. Your mission is paid for by the job. And keeping life very simple — which includes being disconnected from large institutions such as education — gives you the freedom to leave, if needed.