




Dark Brightness | Bleak Theology: Hopeful Science

Notes from the trenches.

There have been some very long threads around the place recently. Starting at WF Price’s guest post from Mentu where Andie saith

Off topic: my husband works at a local university. They are gearing for cuts to superfluous programs – women’s studies, visual arts, music, cultural anthropology, psychology, sociology. What will be left? Engineering, medicine, geology, mathematics, computer science and business. Universities are about to be dominated by men again. Because they are the ones in the useful disciplines. The ones we CANNOT live without.

Women still reign in teacher’s college and nursing, but once the fat is cut, the university becomes the province of men once again.

There will always be jobs for those who make what we need. Not what we want. We may want a new Android tablet, but we need food. As Andie said elsewhere, when the going gets tough, having a hunter bring in a doe or two helps.

As does having a regular job. One that will not be entrenched.  Which is why I suggest you all tell your sons that it is either trades or learned trades. Either get that plumbing, building, farming trade (please note, farming is just as skilled) or get to school and become a vet, a doctor, an engineer. Somewhere where you start training after an intermediate year, not a four year degree in debt and drinking (premed is a rort to keep liberal arts professors employed).

Don’t get a BA in political studies, or middle English, unless you are a) a scholastic genius and b) are prepared to take a vow of poverty and celibacy.  They are hobbies. Hobbies are useful, yes. I like my hobbies. But they do not put food on the table: if you are a single man you can live cheap, but that will not work with a family.

As white raven points out, having a family is optional. In today’s society, if you marry there is a 50% chance you will have a divorce and then find yourself paying for your ex wife and kids for a couple of decades. This breaks the rules of the civilized society.

According to the old pre-contract rules as long you are pulling your own weight you don’t owe society a darn thing. If you, as a man, want to scrape by with a menial job and spend all of your free time playing video games or even doing absolutely nothing at all then that is your prerogative. It’s only the contract between men and women that says men ought to be doing more than the bare minimum, and women are the ones who shredded it – not men. Of course the rub is this: society needs men to continue running the ship or the civilization will fail. A civilization can chug along, however poorly, with women not holding up their end of the bargain as long as men keep doing the grunt work. But if men abandon their posts, if they stop doing the dirty work that keeps this machine running, then it’s game over.

Now, I would like society to keep running. I have children and grandchildren. I would like them to have a life. But modern society leads to despair and a demographic collapse. The laws are now set up — with the best of motivations (to protect women and children) — in a way that isolates men from women and children.  If there is risk, the man is asked to leave.

Which is incorrect. Men, particularly biological fathers and grandfathers, protect their children. It is the stepfathers and multiple boyfriends that abuse.

And without men picking up the garbage and bringing in the food, the parasite that is the feminist women’s movement will simply starve.


  • Cane Caldo

    Don’t get a BA in political studies, or middle English, unless you are a) a scholastic genius and b) are prepared to take a vow of poverty and celibacy. They are hobbies.

    Good advice. You can literally do these things any time, for almost no cost.