Orthosphere in two paragraphs.

This is the best explanation as to why the secular, modern project has failed, and as MacIntyre argues, we need to return to something akin to Christendom.

The biggest problem with Separation of Church and State is not that it is wrong, but that it does not and cannot exist. So long as every living man is made up of body and soul, God and Caesar will both have legitimate claims upon him — and these claims, at the best of times, may conflict. Moreover, he himself will often look to his religion for temporal benefits, and will — often unconsciously — expect Caesar to have some sort of Divine backing if the Emperor wants his full allegiance. Church and State are inextricably bound together: every religious question has a political side, and every political question has a religious side.

No human society can escape this fact, and to function, each needs an animating philosophy, a sort of State Church, to function properly and mobilise popular support. Some historical examples are obvious: the Church of England did so for the British Empire, as the various continental protestant established churches did for their respective kings and princes. The Eastern Orthodox Churches did so to a great degree for the Byzantine Empire and later Russia, Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, and Romania, although this was somewhat mitigated among them by consciousness of belonging to a great whole beyond national borders — nor must it be denied that certain Catholic monarchs, governments, or thinkers envisaged a similar role for the Church within their bounds, although the Papacy served as a constant supranational reminder of reality.

via One World Religion or Religion of One World? | Catholicism.org.

My fear is that both the Liberals and Islamists know this. They are not as much interested in preserving the modern era as destroying the foundation of it (which is the Christian consensus with toleration of dissent, best formulated in the laws of the UK after the Glorious Revolution and before the long war began in 1914.

Instead they either want the pagan worship of Gaia or Sharia. The correct answer, for Christians, to this, is disobedience, protest, and  (if there is no freedom and an oppressive government) rebellion.

We may find that we again have to look at Cromwell as a model of how to resist the state, and a warning about how to run a state.

5 thoughts on “Orthosphere in two paragraphs.

  1. People often answer that the marriage of church and state led to the disastrous crusades and many other acts of violence courtesy of the church. 

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