A male classification of Churchly men.

This is from Dalrock, and it is Van Roonieck, who usually speaks sense. It is a classification of men, written by men, in the church — Van R used to belong to a mainstram US denomination, as far as I know, and is fairly reformed.

Not always. There ARE righteous Alphas. They are usually religious. And they use their Alpha traits (looks, charisma, status, whatever), to attract and marry the hottest girl in church….and they are off the market forever. The Alphas that are still on the market, past their mid 20s, are generally the evil ones. (Rarely, an Alpha can get to that age while still single, due to extended education; but he marries as soon as he gets his Ph.D. or M.D.)

Comparison chart:

Righteous Alpha: attracts women effortlessly, marries well, marries young, off the market.
Wicked Alpha: attracts women effortlessly, sleeps with lots of women when young; may marry and serially cheat later in life. May pretend to be a Righteous Alpha in order to get laid; targets Christian women with this game. When women — and pastors — bitterly and endlessly complain about the behavior of “men”, they are mostly talking about this subset of men only, though they don’t realize it. (Call this the “Mark Driscoll Fallacy”)
Righteous Beta: works his @$$ off trying to earn money and attract women, but is largely ignored until later in life. Does all the spiritual and character building inner work that Church and family tell him he needs to do, to get a woman, and is bitterly disappointed to find that it doesn’t work. Tends to marry in his 30s, and is often a virgin or relatively inexperienced til then. In church, he is likely to get blamed for the crimes of the Wicked Alphas. Also, he may be shamed for failing to “man up” and marry these good Christian girls, when in fact he’s been trying his damnedest and has been getting endlessly rejected. (Again, think “Mark Driscoll”)
Wicked Beta: gives up, turns to porn and/or prostitution when he realizes that he’ll need to work 60 hour weeks for the next decade before a woman will talk to him. May totally drop out of the career realm and live in mom’s basement, or may earn well and spend the money on himself.

Van Followed with what I think is an accurate comment…

Many pastors appear to be Righteous Alphas, who have no understanding whatsoever as to why it’s so difficult for the majority of young men in their churches to get married off. It was so easy for Pastor Alpha, that he almost can’t help but conclude that the single men under his pastoral care, just aren’t even trying.

My only comment to all of this is that those things that do attract a women (and seem hard wired) are not necessarily virtues. We should honour those who are faithful, not judge them because they have not “married up” or “cannot control their wives”. Because Van R is right. There is the dark side to both groups — for one exploitation, for the other despair.

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Solo Dad. Calvinist. http://blog.photo.pukeko.net Photographer: manual, film and Digital. http://photo.pukeko.net.nz

3 thoughts on “A male classification of Churchly men.”

  1. Sadly, I think Van has a point. There is lots of talk about men not marrying but I belong to a church where there are plenty of single Christian…black men. This despite the supposed male shortage in churches with heavily black congregations. Van is also right that many of them stay single until they hit their mid 30’s, which is when women whose clocks are ticking or who are running out of options because they already have children and are aging, take notice of them.

    We have a system in place where (even in the church), people are stuck with leftovers. Of course, given that our economic climate is one that discourages marriage among the young, maturing, and largely broke, what else can you expect?

  2.  Well, yes. I married in my late 20s — but it was a different time then. 

    Most men are not players, In the old days we were considered worthy candidates to court. I’m not sure about now.

    Practically, well raised church daughters are often (if high status) wooed by Van’s righteous Alphas when very young, and remain happily wed. It is great for them. But both groups are the minority. In the church or out of it.

  3. The real problem is that there are a lot more righteous and ethical men than there are righteous and ethical women. 

    A different issue is that this whole alpha-beta classification is inherently wicked and worldly.  As with most Gamer/PUA terminology, it is hopelessly imprecise and fraught with confusion, as well subtlely affirming of wickedness. 

    And what is up with the male blogger obsession with classifying MEN?  It is hard not to notice once you are aware of it: Gamer blogs are obsessed with male hierarchy.  Gamer blogs essentially boil down to one long hate fest on men who don’t have “good looks and charm” (i.e. “non-alpha”).   

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