Feminism is soft tyranny.

Huge hat tip to Alte here. Her husband found this in a German Newspaper, and it is her translation from the German. Comments are mine

The city of Goslar is currently showing the world how the “gender wars” look from Lower Saxony. For about one and one-half years now, there has been an ongoing fight over the city’s Equal Opportunity Commissioner, Monika Ebeling. The peak was reached last Tuesday: the Leftists in the city council submitted a proposal to remove her from office, supported by the SPD and the Greens. The accusation: the 51 year-old was only concerned about the suffering of men, and not about the suffering of women. The CDU fraction’s leadership countered by accusing them of conducting a “witch hunt”.

Naughty woman, you did not follow the programme. You must be removed.

When Ebeling was voted into office in 2008, many were pleased with her “fresh outlook”. For her debut party, she baked cookies with a pictogram of men and women on them, that she put in bags and passed out. She arranged meet-ups for single parents and “Pappa Picknicks” for fathers.But not all of the women’s groups were pleased to note that she intervened more and more intensively for the men’s initiatives. It all came to a head last year, as Ebeling refused to take part in a traveling exhibition denouncing violence against women. She said at the time, “There are also male victims.” The organizer, a network against domestic violence, immediately refused to continue working with her. In the end it was the sandwich bags that escalated the argument. They were printed with the slogan “Violence against women and children does not go into my bag”.Ebeling was not present at the vote for the bag’s printing, but she informed the sponsors afterward that she did not approve of the gender-specific slogan. “Not a team player,” was the reply from her opponents.

What the Left (again, and it is getting boring) are doing is restricting the terms of the debate.. And lying. There is violence against women, There is violence against men.

I refuse to wear a white ribbon on that day for exactly the same reason. Lie to be a team player? Go take a running jump.

Men’s groups from all around Germany, on the other hand, are celebrating her as a hero, who is breaking down the rigid and outdated structures of feminism. In blogs, the two female mayors of the town SPD and CDU respectively are being criticized as “Bitter Amazons”. A peace and compromise between the two sides is unlikely.

via Traditional Catholicism.

Pass this on, and link back to Alte, folks.

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