It failed.
Now the Left have abandoned the proletariat, and instead advocate identity politics. Which consists, simply of forcing us to approve their decisions, regardless of what they are.
America is not yet remotely comparable to Orwell’s England of 1984. We’re still a rich people…though Washington has impeded our ability to advance and prosper as we've historically done. We’re still largely free to speak our minds…though Washington, the Left, and the barons of the Main Stream Media are doing their best to make sure only their preferred messages are widely heard. We’re still permitted to vote out our current scoundrels and vote in a new set, every two years…but have you noticed how little things have changed these past few decades, no matter who's “in” and who's “out?” (And that’s before we address the effect of ever-expanding vote fraud and voter intimidation.)
No, not everyone who advocates for increasing federal activism, taxation, and regulation is a would-be tyrant. Some sincerely if naively believe that what they advocate would only be for the best. But their opinions are, to an increasing degree, handed out to them by others — and those others are predominantly persons of no morals, consumed by a great lust for power.
It’s time we ceased, once and for all, to attribute good intentions to our adversaries as a default condition of our discourse. As the old English order of chivalry, the Order of the Garter, inscribed as its motto: “Honi soit qui mal y pense:” “Shame upon him who thinks evil.” Those who can be led to understand better might be many, but they must not be credited with better intentions than they display by their deeds. Those who already understand perfectly well, and approve of the damage to freedom and prosperity wrought by Leftist policies, must get no shrift at all.
I’d sugges that we should not permit those in power to shut us up. We should not permit them to ruin our businesses. For the elite rule only with our consent.
And it is time to take that consent back.