Dark Brightness | Site Wide Activity https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/activity/feed Site Wide Activity Feed Sun, 23 May 2010 01:58:42 +0000 http://buddypress.org/?v= en https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/the-king-cannot-change-the-tide/ <![CDATA[pukeko wrote a new blog post: The king cannot change the tide.]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/the-king-cannot-change-the-tide/ Mon, 07 Jun 2010 00:01:36 +0000 pukeko wrote a new blog post: The king cannot change the tide. This is a time of financial pressure. The last decade was properous, and we all overspent. We increased the entitlements for the poor and old. Houses became unaffordable. This is a time of correction. The wise thing is to keep within budget. To be selective. To regain discretion. And praise God if we have food [...]

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/the-elf-sez-it-plusgood/ <![CDATA[pukeko wrote a new blog post: The elf sez it plusgood.]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/the-elf-sez-it-plusgood/ Sat, 05 Jun 2010 21:40:38 +0000 pukeko wrote a new blog post: The elf sez it plusgood. Binksy is discussing the Motoons. He points out the difference in reactions between followers of Christ and followers of an AntiChrist. I'd add that the Greens, the new agers, and the Hindus have the same problem... ... for they lack the spiritual and philosophical roots to handle riducule, argument and repression. They have not grown [...]

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/obama-as-a-lame-duck-is-the-best-option/ <![CDATA[pukeko wrote a new blog post: Obama as a lame duck is the best option]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/obama-as-a-lame-duck-is-the-best-option/ Sat, 05 Jun 2010 04:58:22 +0000 pukeko wrote a new blog post: Obama as a lame duck is the best option This is from Eternity Road . And it is a wonderfully apt description of the Democrats.
The oil spill is simply an apt metaphor for every disastrous action of the Obama administration, the kind that keep pouring out of dirty, slimy, corrupt minds day in and day out. The only final question: is there a cavalry out there, [...]

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/want-an-education-avoid-america/ <![CDATA[pukeko wrote a new blog post: Want an education? Avoid America.]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/want-an-education-avoid-america/ Sat, 05 Jun 2010 04:32:49 +0000 pukeko wrote a new blog post: Want an education? Avoid America. I work for a university. In the Commonwealth (with the exception of Oxford and Cambridge) you have a broad education at secondary level & then have vocational courses running in parallel with scholars gaining their bachelor's: Law, Medicine are bachelor's, as are Music, Pharmacy and Engineering. There is no expectation that everyone will do English, [...]

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/genderanalyzer-determine-if-a-homepage-is-written-by-a-man-or-woman/ <![CDATA[pukeko wrote a new blog post: GenderAnalyzer - Determine if a homepage is written by a man or woman]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/genderanalyzer-determine-if-a-homepage-is-written-by-a-man-or-woman/ Sat, 05 Jun 2010 03:22:54 +0000 pukeko wrote a new blog post: GenderAnalyzer - Determine if a homepage is written by a man or woman We guess https://pukeko.net.nz is written by a man 55%, however it's quite gender neutral.

via GenderAnalyzer - Determine if a homepage is written by a man or woman.

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/singling-out-israel-is-nothing-new/ <![CDATA[pukeko wrote a new blog post: Singling Out Israel is Nothing New]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/singling-out-israel-is-nothing-new/ Thu, 03 Jun 2010 09:13:05 +0000 pukeko wrote a new blog post: Singling Out Israel is Nothing New The Isreali and Egyptian blockade of Gaza is about stopping rockets falling on Isreal and the export of terror to Egypt. The Isreali navy were within their rights... but the recent "relief" flotilla was political theatre.
The flotilla was stocked with the usual assemblage of the wilfully naive: a few hundred European and other "do-gooders," including [...]

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/5000/ <![CDATA[pukeko wrote a new blog post: 5000]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/5000/ Thu, 03 Jun 2010 07:32:52 +0000 pukeko wrote a new blog post: 5000 Comments. The crowd had travelled a long way to see Jesus. Into a deserted place. Where food could not be found. Jesus had compassion and cured the sick. Then fed them. The teaching was to the disciples. The crowd was more than 5000.
Matthew 14:13-21 13Now when Jesus heard this, he withdrew from there in a boat to a deserted [...]

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/round-the-blogs/ <![CDATA[pukeko wrote a new blog post: Round the blogs]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/round-the-blogs/ Wed, 02 Jun 2010 09:26:36 +0000 pukeko wrote a new blog post: Round the blogs The wonderful female life preserver says that chivalry is dead. I suggest that it is not the role of women to kill or maintain gentlemanly behaviour, for instead it is the role of men to protect the weak, be polite to old ladies (not only the ones who are employed) and generally be well dressed and [...]

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/snark/ <![CDATA[pukeko wrote a new blog post: Snark]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/snark/ Wed, 02 Jun 2010 08:48:19 +0000 pukeko wrote a new blog post: Snark P J O'Rourke -- back on form -- invents the pre-obit. as a means to revitalize newspapers. This is an error. The pre-obit revitalizes magazines. Where they could be wonderful -- and at times exist -- on the pages of cricitism the Spectator (and a few other journals) print.
The beauty of obituaries for the still-extant [...]

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/we-are-only-correct-intermittently/ <![CDATA[pukeko wrote a new blog post: We are only correct intermittently]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/we-are-only-correct-intermittently/ Wed, 02 Jun 2010 08:33:30 +0000 pukeko wrote a new blog post: We are only correct intermittently We are only justified by the sacrifice of Christ. For no man can keep the law. We all have failed. We all condemn ourselves. We all are unreliably correct.
Galatians 2:11-21 11But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood self-condemned; 12for until certain people came from James, he used [...]

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/nuff-said/ <![CDATA[pukeko wrote a new blog post: Nuff said.]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/nuff-said/ Wed, 02 Jun 2010 08:10:18 +0000 pukeko wrote a new blog post: Nuff said. In the last 20 or so years, I have found there are certain groups that are quite useful. They reliably get thing wrong, support causes that will actively damage or destroy society, or advocate acts which range from unethical to frankly evil. These groups are not all of the left, but that is the way [...]

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/the-lost-art-of-self-preservation-for-women/ <![CDATA[pukeko wrote a new blog post: The Lost Art of Self-Preservation (for Women)]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/the-lost-art-of-self-preservation-for-women/ Mon, 31 May 2010 19:57:27 +0000 pukeko wrote a new blog post: The Lost Art of Self-Preservation (for Women) I am a man. This is correct.I
I am not a man. I am not a veteran of many relationships. However, it seems to me that most men are not all that complicated in their needs. They need sex. They need food. They need sleep. They need to spend time doing activities they enjoy. They need [...]

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/prayer-requires-intervention/ <![CDATA[pukeko wrote a new blog post: Prayer requires intervention.]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/06/prayer-requires-intervention/ Mon, 31 May 2010 19:48:02 +0000 pukeko wrote a new blog post: Prayer requires intervention. Nick Cave is playing... he cannot believe in an interventionist God, or angels, but he looks at his beloved and prays. What Nic reminds us is that prayer to any spirit or person with no power tomake change is  the work of a fool. For this reason, the classic liberal does not pray. He meditates. [...]

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/05/for-the-pod/ <![CDATA[pukeko wrote a new blog post: For the pod.]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/05/for-the-pod/ Mon, 31 May 2010 07:53:24 +0000 pukeko wrote a new blog post: For the pod. It's difficult. One of the bloggers I read is in chronic pain: one has chronic depression: many others are struggling.
Psalm 57 1Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, until the destroying storms pass by. 2I [...]

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/04/you-see-a-persons-characther-if-they-have-power/comment-page-1/#comment-1378 <![CDATA[pukeko commented on the blog post You see a person's characther if they have power.]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/04/you-see-a-persons-characther-if-they-have-power/comment-page-1/#comment-1378 Mon, 31 May 2010 07:47:38 +0000 pukeko commented on the blog post You see a person's characther if they have power. Buddypress default, this week. Picture is cropped from personal library.

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/05/courage-on-mothers-day/comment-page-1/#comment-1377 <![CDATA[pukeko commented on the blog post Courage on mother's day.]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/05/courage-on-mothers-day/comment-page-1/#comment-1377 Mon, 31 May 2010 07:46:59 +0000 pukeko commented on the blog post Courage on mother's day. What myspace page?

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/05/hubris/ <![CDATA[pukeko wrote a new blog post: Hubris]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/05/hubris/ Mon, 31 May 2010 07:45:52 +0000 pukeko wrote a new blog post: Hubris Big government is not local enough  to deal with disasters. And BP -- being forced to drill out of US waters -- has an engineering nightmare. Obama thought he could spin this. He can't. And he can't solve the problem.
Mr. Obama himself, when running for president, made much of Bush administration distraction and detachment during [...]

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/05/kirk-trinity-sunday/ <![CDATA[pukeko wrote a new blog post: Kirk -- Trinity Sunday.]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/05/kirk-trinity-sunday/ Sat, 29 May 2010 22:56:50 +0000 pukeko wrote a new blog post: Kirk -- Trinity Sunday. Trinity Sunday. Message was around Jesus telling the disciples he was leaving -- going to the father -- and if this did not happen the spirit would not come. For the disciples could not handle the teaching to come. It would be revealed by the spirit... after the resurrection. This is unsuprising. We are limited. [...]

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/05/contra-alinsky/ <![CDATA[pukeko wrote a new blog post: Contra Alinsky.]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/2010/05/contra-alinsky/ Tue, 25 May 2010 20:13:25 +0000 pukeko wrote a new blog post: Contra Alinsky. Saul Alinsky once said that to make change, require those in power to live up to the standards that You say they should have. That is: you define the standards and then you accuse them of failure. You set yourself as Judge Dredd -- prosecutor, judge, jury. And executioner. And you never apply the same [...]

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https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/activity/p/2/ <![CDATA[pukeko posted an update: Changed Website to default theme and changed picture. Looks good!]]> https://pukeko.net.nz/blog/activity/p/2/ Sun, 23 May 2010 02:08:07 +0000 pukeko posted an update: Changed Website to default theme and changed picture. Looks good!

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