Comments on: Do not fear your eschatology [Rev 13] Bleak Theology: Hopeful Science Wed, 19 Apr 2017 12:33:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brown Fri, 28 Oct 2016 06:06:56 +0000 Hal Lindsay has been a barrier to Pilgrim’s Progress since the Left Behind nonsense was written with a claim it was scriptural. That Missler endorses him is shameful and has likewise deluded many. I used to listen to Missler but as I studied became convinced he was in error (although not maliciously so) and stopped wasting my time – Missler clearly knows lots but largely misses the Gospel. Some years back Rhema had an Auckland minister who preached orthodox Christianity and was on the button but he’s disappeared and we now have Meyer’s prosperity gospel, literalism, pentecostalism, creationism and dispensationalism but little Gospel. This is what you get when you treat Scofield as a theologian and hold to recent “revelations” that appeared in most dubious circumstances and gave rise to the Plymouth Brethren.

I recall vigorous debate at an old home group about this end times stuff and eventually quit attending. I couldn’t deal with the refusal to read a passage in its entirety to get some context – it was always just a couple of lines cherry picked here and there. So much of the dispensationalism that is firmly attached to this nonsense effectively denies the sufficiency of Christ and that is a terrible mistake to make. Satan masquerades as an angel of light and all these side roads he tosses up have enough Bible to look OK until you get serious about your study and history.

A local bloke by the name of Dale Tooley (now dead unfortunately) wrote a good commentary on the book of Revelation and I recall in it he confessed amazement and even alarm that he believed a bunch of nonsense about end times when the truth of what God was saying in this part of scripture was so clear.

By: hearthie Thu, 27 Oct 2016 20:15:34 +0000 I should add that my flesh is not always as peaceful about this as my spirit. A funny noise on a dark street still scares me, even if I know that God’s in charge, and the stormclouds sadden me, even as my heart lifts at what comes after the rain. Well, flesh is flesh and I’m no braver than the next girl.

By: hearthie Thu, 27 Oct 2016 20:12:35 +0000 I don’t find eschatology particularly frightening, but I’m a weird duck. (And I follow Missler, who is buddies with Lindsey, so my theology runs to the scary side).

If you think that time is short, what is the most logical thing to do? Be found busy about the Master’s work when He returns. How brightly can I shine my little light? How far can I sprinkle out what saltiness I have? How can I exhibit God’s glory? Whom may I pray for? Whom may I share the gospel with? What can I be doing – today?? I do have a great sense of urgency, sometimes too great. God’s been taking me to the woodshed about that – as long as I’m obeying Him, it’s good. I don’t need to take the reins and find more stuff to do. Ach, me. Always trying to be in control. 😛

Will sucky stuff happen before the Rapture? Probably. But *since there is nothing I can do about that* why fuss? God’s got this. Where should my trust be? In the Lord. There have been bad times before that weren’t the End. No matter what the time, I know what business I was created for – I *do* know where my gifting lies, I *do* know what I’m supposed to be doing.

So I do that. The storm clouds, they’re gathering, but I stand on a firm foundation, and am not my own in any case.

And the shining silver light is maybe we’ll get to go Home sooner than we think. I can’t wait to be Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
