Margaret Cho is a warning.

Margaret Cho is having a fight with SpaceBunny Vox. Cho’s losing.

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One of the ilk at Vox describes Cho thusly.

She’s an unrepentant, raunchy, nasty leftwing celebrity heavily involved in LGBT causes, murdered her own inconvenient children via abortions after being a sex worker, divorced her husband and ended their ‘open’ marriage (she’s bisexual), waited until 47 to have a child out of wedlock, predictably miscarried, and per the link reveled in her new found victim status for causing a tragedy. She wallows in her debauchery and sin and (as Vox pointed out) is voluntarily a genetic dead end (thankfully). May she find salvation and be reunited with her murdered children. But should we not call out her sin and hope to push her towards introspection? She’s one of the clearest examples of someone in this country who needs to be shamed.

Space Bunny, However, is Vox’s wife.

I find this intriguing. Both these women are within a year or so in age. Cho is Korean, and has had no children. SpaceBunny has four. At their age, however, your appearance depends as much on your lifestyle and choices of life. Your character is starting to be engraved into your face.

And on those grounds, you become more attractive or less attractive. If you go down the path of Cho — and the description of her life from Vox has the virtues of brevity and accuracy — your face will show your damnation. If you choose, however, to live for others, particularly your family and the Almighty, as SpaceBunny demonstrates over and over in her tweet feed… you will be accused of hating, of intolerance.

Because your beauty will shine through, just as their vileness does. One cannot judge by words, but more by the consequences of your life. There are those who have no external beauty but do great things, so appearance is not everything.

But it frequently does show the consequences of the moral choices we make. It is a tell. It is a sign. If you look at these two women in middle age, one has clearly chosen life and the other death.

Follow not the one who has chosen the death of her unborn children, and the destruction of her marriage. Cho is a warning set before us. Heed it.


  1. Dragonfly said:

    I really like Space Bunny from what I’ve heard and seen of her. I hope I’m half as good looking as she is when I get to her age and have that many children! She’s an inspiration.

    November 9, 2015
    • Chris Gale said:

      If you look at her tweetstream it is an object lesson on the need to keep fit. She’s one cool woman, married to one very cool man.

      November 9, 2015
      • Dragonfly said:

        I’ll have to take a look again, I do LOVE her fitness and beauty, & diet… very admirable. I’m not on twitter or other social media very much – it’s just so negative and with raising babies in this life stage I’m in, it just doesn’t help them for me to see or experience so much toxicity that might affect my parenting (my emotions).

        I have seen that she gets A TON of people hating on her though, and she is braver than I am in engaging them in verbal sparing. I honestly don’t know if I could handle that (at least, maybe not right now with babies in the house). I think her children are either adults or late teens, not sure. I’ve only got a few “concern trolls,” and learning how to ignore them has been a great lesson! I couldn’t imagine being as thick-skinned as Space Bunny must be, though. It is amazing to watch!

        Thank you for putting me on your blog roll! Really humbled!

        November 9, 2015

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