Comments on: A reblog for the women out there. Bleak Theology: Hopeful Science Sat, 11 Feb 2017 12:01:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Gale Thu, 19 Nov 2015 06:46:50 +0000 Injuries, however, not from work. From running 130 — 180 km./wk for 5 years in 20s, leaving me with significant chronic tendititis, then stepping (Literally) into a rabbit hole, smashing the cartliage in one knee (in my defense, it was in the dark) and overtraining swimming, pulling both rotator cuffs.

Oh, yes, I can hurt myself. Managed to do that at Crossfit as well: at present nursing strains in all four limbs.

By: Chris Gale Thu, 19 Nov 2015 06:43:22 +0000 You do realize that workplace violence is an academic interest? Driven by being assaulted. By patients. More than once.

By: Bike bubba Tue, 17 Nov 2015 17:57:04 +0000 Best comment I’ve heard about CrossFit is that it’s a lot like a church, just without the Jesus thing. Worst comment, from the same person, was how he’d wrenched his back doing some of the exercises. Can happen anywhere, yes, and hopefully there are people paying attention to form at a lot of Crossfit centers, but it’s feedback that I think the company/movement/”cult” should heed.

But that said, I think more health clubs need to get the idea of “belonging” down. “Curves” often has it going for the ladies, and a local club my family just joined seems to have some of that, too. And agreed 100% about being really hungry after exercise and getting weight gain when working unused muscles. Yup, just happened to me!

And we’ll see where I do, or don’t, go in weight training. Maybe I’ll go with my spare rib and see if she can watch form.

By: hearthie Tue, 17 Nov 2015 16:38:58 +0000 -jingles the 3, 2″ long steel pins that used to be in her foot- A full year of surgeries, PT, casts, canes, nerve damage… dang thing still hurts when it feels like it. Oh, and the doctors who cheerily told me for years that I was just waiting for debilitating arthritis pain which would be followed by a fusion surgery and cane-for-life. (Last doc visit said not to worry about it, come see him when it bothered me. I coulda kissed him – getting an xray every year to watch for arthritis to come and ruin my life wasn’t good for the psyche).

By: Looking Glass Tue, 17 Nov 2015 16:33:07 +0000 Apparently clinical work in psychiatry is dangerous. 🙂

By: LeeLee Tue, 17 Nov 2015 13:58:56 +0000 I am really into lifting and got a lot of this at the beginning.

A lot of times, for a woman, when you start a new exercise routine, the scale stays the same or goes up for a little while, maybe a few weeks even. Then it starts to head down.

You probably already know this, but after you’ve lifted, your body retains a ton of water because you’ve damaged the muscle fibers, just like your ankle would swell if you sprained it. This effect can last for a few days and cause the scale to go up temporarily after you lift. But it’s all good stuff.

Something else I’ve found with lifting is that it causes “wolf hunger”. I have to carry an emergency banana with me lest I freak out. I think this is because at this point I’ve supercharged my metabolism. I know a woman who got really into lifting but then also gained a lot of fat I think because she was so hungry and she wasn’t keeping track of what she was eating. But this can be a problem with any new exercise program.

I’ve lost a ton of weight with a combination of running and heavy lifting (I am about 10 pounds lighter than in my gravatar picture). My husband was really freaked out that I was going to get bulky but that hasn’t happened at all.

By: Chris Gale Tue, 17 Nov 2015 10:26:26 +0000 Young. Younger than the PP. who is younger than me: I was in middle school when you were born.

Coach at CF. How many injuries?

PP: not that many. Sore knee once.

Me: stress fractures, fracture inside knee, rotator cuffs, achilles….

By: hearthie Mon, 16 Nov 2015 22:14:50 +0000 Old enough to say, “Oh no. BTDT. That HURT. I’m going to be *careful*.” I’ve already done my time in physical therapy. I don’t burn to repeat the experience.

I am occasionally (frequently) irritatingly slow to the others. It is what it is.

Also, almost-43. 🙂

By: Chris Gale Mon, 16 Nov 2015 20:27:09 +0000 I am at least a decade older than you, Hearthie. What is this age you are talking about?

By: pukeko Mon, 16 Nov 2015 17:54:08 +0000 Um, yes.
