The talented generally want to keep themselves with the rewards of their efforts
If artists, they want to be paid: one of the things a pro photographer does is keep their best work out of facebook and twitter. (That is what your camera is for). If an elite athlete, they want the sponsorship and the prize money.
I pay good money to hear elite musicians play.
For the rest of us? We are not that beautiful, or talented. Our art is not that perfect: but the practice of fitness and art helps round us out and keep us interesting. We do not ask for things to be fair.
For fairness is disguised jealousy. We want others to excel, to triumph. If they do well, we rejoice. There is always room for another person’s acheivement.
We choose not to be jealous, but use competition to improve.
If a girl is not happy in life because she’s not getting attention from men, or has a boyfriend with an effeminate manner, she will most certainly be a liberal, even in foreign countries. I have never met a foreign woman rated an 8 or above that would share a feminist idea with me, but it’s quite common to hear them from 6’s in those same countries. Liberal thought promotes the mythical idea of human equality and helps boost her self esteem into incorrectly believing that she’s just as deserving of life’s benefits as a more beautiful woman with better genetics or upbringing.
The liberal mindset doesn’t only affect mate competition, but also any sort of contest where naturals or talented individuals can beat those lacking in talent. For example, in a particular social group I was involved in, I repeatedly won a certain contest. After an unprecedented winning streak, two unattractive individuals in the group wanted to formulate a rule to specifically exclude me from competing because it was “not fair” that I kept winning. One mentioned that if she was in charge of voting, she would declare someone else the winner even if I did actually win. The lens through which a liberal views those who are better than them is to exclaim “It’s not fair!” followed by rules or policies to unfairly handicap those who are better.
… it’s clear that American liberals have gravitated to their ideology because it promises a social climate where their low talent, low beauty, and low muscle features are not seen in a negative way. They become “equal” to those who are obviously superior in intelligence, appearance, talent, or wealth.
It’s not uncommon for a man, as he improves himself in business and also increases his sexual market value, to gravitate from the left to the right side of the political spectrum. Otherwise, he would be going against his interests to share his hard-fought gains with those who did not work as hard as him. Therefore to understand where people fall on the political spectrum, simply look at them.
If the girl is unsightly, she’s a liberal. If she’s beautiful, she wants to be rightly rewarded for that beauty, and so will have more traditional beliefs where men undertake high mating investment to be with her. If a guy is also ugly in the sense that he’s ugly to women (has low testosterone, small muscles, low game skill, low confidence), he is also a liberal. This shortcut will make it very easy for you to identify who to avoid and who to admit into your circle of friendship.
This works in the USA: I’m not sure if it works in my gym. But I do live in the People’s Republic of Dunedin.
Art is what happens when we become sick of focusing on ourselves and the pain in this world.
Art is a way of slowly soaking in the presence of Him.
Art is a gift, an inspiration given to us, one that we can pass on to others, a small glimpse of the kingdom of heaven
The freedom to create bravely can only happen when we let go of our need for perfection.
“It is ingrained in us that we have to do exceptional things for God-but we do not. We have to be exceptional in the ordinary things of life, and holy on the ordinary streets, among ordinary people-and this is not learned in five minutes” ~Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest