Comments on: Blindfolds, over-reach and healing. [Mark 10] Bleak Theology: Hopeful Science Thu, 09 Jun 2016 19:04:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brown Fri, 14 Aug 2015 02:01:02 +0000 When you read the Gospels and understand the cultural context you have to admire Christ because he took all the sniping and turned it back on his critics. This forced them to reveal their cold hearts. You could say the scribes wanted him dead because they couldn’t win any theological arguments. The more I study the Gospels the more impressive Christ’s management of people and circumstances becomes. I expect that but it doesn’t take away the wonder of it.

Something else that strikes me throughout the bible is that some people saw something that was invisible to others. An example is Nicodemus who, at personal risk, sneaked in and asked a question. He didn’t get the answer and gets a ticking off because he didn’t. He’s present again when Christ is taken down from the cross. Clearly he saw something that the other scribes etc… did not Others were not as connected but its comforting today that nothing has changed. being part of the crowd is not always the best place to be.
