Comments on: Solidarity against Satan [Ps 95] Bleak Theology: Hopeful Science Wed, 26 Apr 2017 14:15:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Sun, 29 Mar 2015 12:31:00 +0000 “And please notice the cold-blooded system of slowly losing altitude, and the obvious result that only in the very last seconds the passengers realised – or rather, started to realise – what was happening.”
A strange thing happened to me Regarding losing altitude on a commercial flight.
I was flying with my young adult son from Brasil to the USA in 2006.
It was late evening and went from dusk to dark outside as we were being served
some food and beverage when I looked out the window and noticed , hours into the flight that we were flying low…I continued to look out every few minutes and noticed that the land below was getting closer. I was either watching the flight map or there was an announcement that we would be approaching the Amazonas region soon, and since I had also been told that some uncharted mountains were in the forests there, I was feeling pretty nervous. I had conveyed to the flight stewards the fact that we were flying very low and that I had flow from Rio to the US before and we were never so close to the ground this far into the trip…but they paid little attention to me.
Then I began speaking louder, commenting on how close to the ground we were getting and remarking about the uncharted mountains in the Amazonas region which we were approaching so that other passengers could see and hear me and they started looking out the windows. After that
, again I pointed out to the flight attendant that we were even lower than before the street lights and cars lights were visible. Soon after that an assent of the plane
was obvious until we could no longer see the lights below.
I never knew what was really going on with that flight .
