Comments on: Peak Education. Bleak Theology: Hopeful Science Fri, 26 Feb 2016 16:48:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Looking Glass Fri, 06 Feb 2015 14:20:28 +0000 The modern “education”, which is amazingly standardized across all economically advanced nations, is exceptionally good at what it is designed for: indoctrination.

It’s no secret that the US-version (which has spread everywhere) is based off the Prussian Military School System. That means it’s good at indoctrination and following orders. Very bad at educating. It just took the better part of 50 years to eat away the old system to the point it wasn’t recognizable.

While I was a rather special child (child prodigy), at 3ish hours per day, I did my entire 6th grade year in 6 weeks. In a breeze. Mind you, no one wanted to skip me, for any reason (the age of outright misandry was already started by then), so school was already a matter of killing a lot of time. Something I’m still a master at.

The one thing people don’t realize about the US is just how many homeschooled & private school (normally Christian schools that a cheap) students are around. They make up huge populations. Don’t let the news stories fool you: it’s a massive amount of children that get a far better education.
