The art of the quoted sledge

A sledge is an insult: the term comes from cricket. A good sledge is terse, accurate, and scathing. This week’s collection.

Aleph: An interview.

CWR: Some are excited to see Libby Lane become a bishop. British Prime Minister David Cameron called it “an historic appointment and an important step forward for the Church towards greater equality in its senior positions.” What is your reaction?

Fr. Rutler: That’s the sort of thing he’d say. He has called himself a “vaguely practicing” Christian. There are members of his own party who would call him a vaguely practicing thinker. His comments on religion can’t be taken seriously

Beth: a good rant of a comment.

The problem isn’t these gender hustling harridans, it is leftism. The people who come up with and promote these nutty ideas are anything but mainstream. Rather, it is the leftists using them as tools to dismantle society, display status and oppress the “other.” In this case, the other are men as men vote generally conservative. Working class guys who stand in their way to absolute power must be destroyed and feminism is a handy dandy tool. The nerds, who are in many ways are natural allies as too many of them are white knight “milady” worshipers, are merely a part of the out party to be thrown under the bus as a cost of progress. We will see if they will cringe and submit to the tyranny, or having already spent so much time being outcast they have little left to lose, will fight back with appropriate mockery and disdain. If the left loses the techies they will find they have alienated the wrong people. These guys run everything (literally run everything, like hook up the wires and write the code) behind the scenes and will be a terrible foe.

Of course, if the left “wins” our culture will collapse under its own weight leaving a smoking ruin rife for takeover by the howling mobs who do believe in their own culture. That, of course, is bad for women in ways people worried about “micro agressions” and “man-spreading” can’t even comprehend with their dizzy little solipsistic minds.

Gimel: Some truth, which in these days, will be seen as a sledge.

SJW culture operates on a hierarchical hub-and-spoke communications model
. In this model, your right to speak is determined by your status. Your status is determined – among other things – by your displayed enthusiastic agreement with cultural precepts established by high-status individuals. This is where we encounter major dissonance between social justice and SJWs: high-status SJWs are usually affluent people with privileged backgrounds, and their influence mainly extends over already-marginalized voices. SJW gatekeepers further marginalize these voices to amplify the voices of their own privileged leaders, making themselves more powerful gatekeepers. These leaders describe themselves as allies of marginalized people, but their main role is to squelch dissenters and they often profit financially from that role.

This could become a series.