Charlie Hebdo reaped the whirlwind.

I agree with both these comments, but for different reasons. We need to stand up for satirists — even those we dislike, because free speech is costly. It means we will be offended. But it means we can preach Christ, and that is even more offensive.

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For those of you who have been living under a rock, three terrorists screaming “Allahu Akbar” (God is great) charged into the offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and shot 12 members of the staff, including the editor who refused to bow to demands he stop publishing cartoons “offensive to Muslims,” to death

Meanwhile USA Today published an open letter from Muslim activist Anjem Choudary entitled “People Know The Consequences.”

In it he writes: “Contrary to popular misconception, Islam does not mean peace but rather means submission to the commands of Allah alone. Therefore, Muslims do not believe in the concept of freedom of expression, as their speech and actions are determined by divine revelation and not based on people’s desires.”

He goes on to say the French government should have prevented them from publishing the cartoons and “In an increasingly unstable and insecure world, the potential consequences of insulting the Messenger Muhammad are known to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.” You boil that down and it’s a naked threat. “You do anything we don’t like and we’ll kill you.”

Well Mr. Choudary and your ilk. To you and those who enable you. Who say things like “The future does not belong to those who slander the prophet Muhammad,” I have this to say: We will not be intimidated. We will not bow our heads to 12th century barbarians who think it is acceptable to kill people simply because you don’t like what they had to say. We will not accept the idea that some things are simply off limits.

I hear and see things as a Christian man I find offensive daily. Christians are considered safe targets for any manner of insult, satire and ridicule. News flash. We don’t kill people, we don’t demand censorship (yes yes there are one or two nuts, and we all denounce them) and we certainly don’t blame the victims of violence for their brutalization. Those of us who believe in — not just America, although certainly that — but in Western Civilization will continue to stand against you and those like you. We will continue to write, and report and, yes, draw cartoons, you don’t like. We will continue to bang the drum and call attention to the cancer that is radical Islam.

Because je suis Charlie.

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And I agree that Charlie Hebdo were left wing SJWs. Who applied free speech selectively. They are not natural allies of the church: they are anticlerical. But I would not kill them: I would argue with them.

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But if you let in people who hate you, and coddle them, and appease them, then they will think they can bring war to you. The terrorists have bought war to the West.

As of my writing this the Google news search of Charlie Hebdo shooting nets “About 21,700,000 results“. Rotherham abuse nets “About 27,800 results“. Rotherham rape “About 9,520 results“. The latter story has had four months for stories to be written, the former a couple days.

Here we can see the West’s priorities: a dozen left-wing journalists get killed by the same people they fought so hard to import and it is an international crisis that everyone must care about. 1400 innocent children get raped by those same imports and nobody gives a shit.

You should have been angry months ago.

Anyway, here’s my opinion on Charlie Hebdo: they got what they deserved the natural consequences of their pro-immigration beliefs (Ed: Ill-phrased and added a clarification) and I’m not going to shed a tear. May God grant them mercy in the next life.

Charlie Hebdo was a vile left-wing rag that regularly engaged in anti-Christian blasphemy. They are not ‘us‘. The Muslims aren’t us, but neither are Charlie Hebdo. If our enemies want to start killing each other, why should we involve ourselves? Let them take each other out.

I do have some sympathy for free speech and I might be sympathetic if Charlie Hebdo was staunch ideological pro-free speech organization but like most left-wingers Charlie are very selective in their desire for free speech

The issue here is not your skin colour: it is your religion and your ideology. Christians have to tolerate disagreement. We know there is no perfect society and no perfect church. We have seen what happens when a society tries to be perfect — from the monasteries to Calvin’s Geneva and through to the intentional communities of the Mennonites and Shakers — they fail. For we are not God: God is perfect, we are not. We have to tolerate a certain amount of argument and freedom of speech to allow for correction.

We know people around us do not believe: we have to consider how to evangelize them: with our actions as much as with our words. But our theology has always separated the Church (Kirk) from the state: theologians, like soldiers, should not rule. Islam does not see this.

We have let in — perhaps in ignorance, perhaps with an Anticlerical and antichristian animus — people who will not assimilate. It is not their race or all religions — Chinese Buddhists, Punjabi Sikhs and Ashkenazi Jews have all integrated into British Society, often to the highest levels.

The issue is Islam. The religion, particularly the Wahabite form, is from the pit. And we need to have the courage to say this: for the Wahabite is the Nazi of our age. We have let them in and acceded to their poisonous demands. This we can do no more.


  1. Will S. said:

    You should put the link to the Free Northerner post, along with the quote.

    January 10, 2015
    • pukeko said:

      Darn. I thought I did. Will correct.

      Update: the link is up, and it points in the correct direction.

      January 10, 2015
      • Will S. said:

        Great! Outstanding post; I’ll be linking this. :)

        January 10, 2015
  2. John said:

    Ha, ha, ha, ha!

    Go right ahead. And while you’re at it, reflect a bit and then cite to yourself and the world a single instance since the “Old Left” came into being and then morphed into the “New Left” where arguing, debating, discussing, inset here with the “Left ” ever came out with a “win” for the “Right” and for Christians. I won’t hold my breath while you are wasting your time.

    The new left think politics of idenity and are tribalist in their relativism, with the view of subverting society and bringing forward the revolution: the old left think politics of class will bring forward the revolution. Both are wrong. And your point is?

    January 11, 2015
  3. Hearthrose said:

    One might chew on the concept that the head of an Atlanta fire-department just lost his job because he chose to write a booklet *for his church* in which he denounced homosexuality (along with other sexual sins).

    ‘Cause obvy that means he’s going to be mean to gay firefighters and say mean stuff at work. (insert eyeroll here) Everyone thinks the mayor is a big hero for firing him.

    Freedom of speech, did you say?

    January 11, 2015
    • Will S. said:

      “‘Cause obvy that means he’s going to be mean to gay firefighters and say mean stuff at work.”

      Nor rescue gays from burning houses, letting them die, of course.

      Such is the progs’ prejudice, that they would actually believe in such bullshit…

      January 11, 2015
    • pukeko said:

      Well, we have sowed the wind with our multiculti pagan public worship of that idol tolerance.

      We are now reaping the whirlwind.

      January 11, 2015

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