Cameron Slater at Whaleoil has, appropriately, published the Charlie Hebdo cartoons that offended the Islamorons sufficiently that their butthurt drove them to murderous rage.
Do these people not understand that there is a certain point where letting people live turns to — you must leave, for you are destroying our culture, our way of life and our faith. Learn from History:when the jews and gays cannot do business that time is close.
For the second straight day on Sunday anti-Jewish rioters defied a protest ban in Paris to rampage in the predominantly Jewish suburb of Sarcelles in what one police official called the “Paris Intifada.”Hundreds of mostly Arab and North African youths marched through the streets wielding bars and clubs while shouting, “Death to Israel.”
The neighborhood’s main kosher grocery Naouri was burned to a shell as was a local Jewish owned pharmacy. The nearby synagogue in Garges was firebombed, but little damage was done.
Riot police attempted to disperse protesters and block access to another synagogue in Sarcelles and a few dozen Jewish vigilantes gathered nearby.
Journalists were assaulted and some police officers were injured by the rioters,

Vox has republished more of the Charlie Hebdo Covers.
From instapundit: and I note that liberation is saying the suspects are in custody.
Neil Gaiman misses the point. The point is faar. The Islamists want us all to scared to stop them ruling. Perhaps it is time to stop shooting rabbits.