I think sometimes those of us who are conservative get stuck on making sure our own way to Heaven is clear and don’t worry about others. The advantage of being a crazed Protestant Jesus Freak whose theology leans *strongly* towards OSAS (with the assumption that “saved” has a meaning beyond letting words out of your mouth) is that I don’t worry about my salvation at all. I worry about others.
It’s different for you – you work professionally with those who whine and stay away from God. Whereas God has seen fit to give me very few RL Christian friends, instead I get atheists and agnostics and pagans (loads of pagans) and I love them and I don’t want them to burn! -sighs- I have emotional investment, y’know?
PS why would anyone care about my real name? It’s much easier to look me up with my nomme de internet. I’ve been using the same tag for more than a decade now, with slight variations as necessary.