I really have to thank my Papist friends for clueing me into this. Julian O’Dea, who has been watching the comment land, and Elisabeth Scalia, who takes the SJWs down with her usual verve.
Anyone who knows (and loves) techno/science geeks knows a couple of things:
- They are generally sweet-natured people who are preoccupied with techno/science geeky thoughts.
- Because they are preoccupied with such thoughts, they are neither fussy, nor vain. Food is merely fuel, and clothes are mere bodily covering. They generally are not thinking about what they are eating, or wearing.
- A comet scientist who has just helped to land a probe on to a comet is unlikely think think, “oh, I’m going to be interviewed, so I’d better take off this inappropriate-but-geeky shirt full of sexy-women-with-guns on it, which was designed by a female friend.”
- Because techno/science geeks are sweet-natured, if a tweeting malcontent urinates on a great moment for science because she doesn’t like the inappropriate-but-geeky shirt, they will quickly and — unfortunately — tearfully apologize for giving offense.
- Because techno/science geeks rarely-unto-never set out to demand attention, declare victimhood for themselves or deliberately offend their fellow humans, they don’t really understand that there are some people in the world who live to take umbrage, find things to be offended about, and make people cry.
Yes, and the SJW forget that almost everything they eat, use or do is supported, made, or maintained by geeky men. Farm Geeks, Industrial manufacturing geeks, systems administrators. The people the Eloi cannot bear. Morlocks.
But I like Morlocks. All of them, including the ones who wear Hawaiian shirts, shorts, socks and sandals. Provided I don’t have to share their dress sense.
I for one am ecstatic that society doesn’t depend on the PC crowd for advancement or we’d still be living in caves using stone knives and naked (wearing bear skins, after all, would not be PC). And if anyone is stupid enough to pay attention to your and your ilk’s whining, we may find ourselves back in caves.As a Woman With A STEM Career–if a guy’s shirt puts you off “science”, that just means you weren’t really interested in doing it in the first place.
Those who can, do; those who can’t, complain about the clothing those who can happen to be wearing when they manage to do what those who can’t don’t.
Do not be an Eloi, and do not be like them. Do something significant instead.