There is a election on. David Farrar, a local political blogger, was at a meeting in Aro Valley, where the fringe of Dunedin go because a city that has voted Red for 100 years is not socialist enough: these are the radicals of our capital. For the non Kiwis, Te Reo is Maori (in Maori, the indigenous language) and National is about where the Canadian Progressive Conservatives are.
And “John Key te rangitira” translates as “John Key (the Prime Minister and leader of the National Party) is my chief”.
Paul cunning stunt was brilliant. As he kept speaking in superb te reo, the National hating crowd was deathly silent as in Aro Valley heckling a candidate speaking in te reo is even ruder than not eating organic food. He had total silence until indeed the words Ko John Key te rangatira and then the yelling burst out like a tidal wave.
Gotta love people who hack the mores of the Social Justice Warriors. Quote of the week.
The original description is here, (Darryl from Dim Post is often wrong, but always witty) and in the comments there is this gem,
As a Wellington business that sells pretentious second hand books, over priced craft beer (actually just Lion Brown with “essence of hops” added) and beard cream, my shop was completely empty last night. It’s weird because usually we are full of dicks on a Monday night.
That could have come from Die, Hipster, Die.