Comments on: Against the “to do” list. Bleak Theology: Hopeful Science Thu, 26 Nov 2015 07:15:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hearthrose Mon, 21 Jul 2014 01:07:00 +0000 Something that really bums me out – I HOPE this is merely a local phenomena – is how craftsmanship in all venues is going to the dogs. Yes, it’s taken me years to get my sewing where it is (I’m intermediate IMO) but I blow people out of the water all the time. “Oh that’s too hard”. Really? It’s not all *that* hard. I’m not especially disciplined, beyond my once-a-year festival of insanity… so where are the people blowing *me* out of the water and making me want to work harder to keep up? They’re not showing at the fair, that’s for sure. I run through all the crafts every year with my family (in Heaven you can expect to find me learning every craft I can get my happy little hands on) at the fair, and we look at each other sadly at the end of every year and say, “wasn’t as good as last year”. No one seems to be willing to do a bit of work for beauty any longer. Oh, crafts that depend on patience and purchasing power go like gangbusters. -sigh- BIG pet peeve. Huge, just maybe. 😉
