I think you’ve been reading my mail. Item 1) visited a local “tech” junior high last week for a film my son was in. The halls were decorated by the students in a fashion that strongly reminded me of my days at UCSC… including the rainbow “this is a safe space” stickers on the doors to the classrooms, sadface kid posters asking for change rather than toys, sadface posters about illegal immigration… you get the idea. Brainwashing much? Item 2) Abstinence only education? Yeah, really effective when you get assignments like the “a-z of abstinence” and your own mother suggests “masturbation” for m (heard from mom’s mouth, she thought it was funny). Item 3) Again sex-ed, (for 13yo) foo-foo-rah in my county… one of the districts had slides up that included a man with blood on his face and “A real man loves his woman at all times of the month” as the caption. There was parental outcry (quell surprise).
Homeschooling has been a pain in the tail this year. I guess I should be glad that the state has been so generous about giving me reasons to keep going. :p