Do not date a woman who has had an abortion [quotage of the month]

Via Free Northerner’s linkage

Do not date any woman who has had an abortion. Make it very clear that you will not involve yourself with any woman who would murder her own progeny. It is a non-negotiable. The reason the murderous abhumans that call themselves “feminists” work so hard to remove the shame and stigma from the monstrous act is because women are so highly susceptible to social rejection. That is their intrinsic weak point. That is the point to which men and women of moral standards must relentlessly apply pressure.

Women who claim to be “pro-choice” can and will change their thinking. In most cases, they haven’t given the matter any thought; “pro-choice” it is the default position for most college-educated women. The ignorant thought can be overlooked, the evil action itself, never.

I suspect that a movement of men who make it clear that they will not involve themselves sexually or romantically with women who have had abortions will do more to end abortion than any political activity on the part of anti-abortion activists.

Feminism is the ideology of Hell and abortion is its face. Do not compromise with it.

This should be one’s default position. The issue you will have, young man, is working out if a woman is hiding her abortions. But if she is, then at least she understands that the act is shameful and disqualifies her as a potential wife.

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  1. Hearthrose said:

    I found out about a year ago that more than 1/3 of women here in America have had abortions. It was an incredibly painful moment of enlightenment.

    May 17, 2014
  2. Take The Red Pill said:

    Unless it’s because of rape (REAL rape, not the modern PC feminist-inspired sham), there is NO reason why any woman in the Western World should need an abortion — the easy availability, low cost, and different kinds of female contraceptives should already have made abortion unneeded and obsolete.
    The continued presence of and demand for abortion in our culture shows how murderously irresponsible, conscienceless, and black-heartedly EVIL Western females have become.
    Women who capriciously kill their own helpless children in-utero because of their own carelessness and bad judgement deserve no less than to be sterilized; that way, such a she-beast can NEVER kill her unborn again.

    May 17, 2014
    • Hearthrose said:

      Occasionally there is medical necessity – such as an ectopic pregnancy, which will kill the mother and the child with her. But that is an entirely different kettle of fish. I have known women who became pregnant from real rape – who chose to give their children up for adoption. Compounding one evil on another doesn’t improve things.

      May 17, 2014

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