But as a person following God, you should follow God and not any prophet.
Here we have God telling a person (not given a name but called Man of God) who listens to a prophet, but not any prophet, an old somewhat known prophet.
And because the Man of God listened to this prophet and not to God he was subsequently killed.
There was another Old Testament book (I forgot the book name and the prophet name) where many Israelite prophets are proclaiming Israel shall be freed from captivity very soon and they are all rejoicing, and only one prophet goes against it saying something along the lines “Amen! Let it be so, but let us not rejoice until something like this actually happens, and let us not falsely believe something like this will happen without any proof.” And the other prophets ragged on him because “he did not believe” yet it turned out he was right and that God was with him and not the other prophets.
I feel many of the prophets in churches today simply say what they want to hear or what other people want to hear. The fact is each person with God, has been called to God and has to obey God first, even if a prophet is well known, even if a prophet speaks great things, even if a prophet claims to have heard God. Now, not all of us have the power to hear “God’s voice” but we know what God has commanded us, and the examples he gave us in the Bible. If anything a prophet says contradicts that, the prophet is not hearing the spirit of God but another spirit.
]]>That such gifts have ceased?