Comments on: The State is not our God. Bleak Theology: Hopeful Science Wed, 26 Aug 2015 08:34:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: chrisgale Thu, 27 Mar 2014 23:30:00 +0000 Well, I live in NZ. We have our own feminists: I used to be married to a woman who truly drank the Churchian Kool-aid. It is not only American women who are like that — but in NZ the laws have been made fairer, primarily because too many politicians found themselves frivorced.

There is basically no alimony in NZ, and child support is by a formula, and run by the tax department with the option of opting out of this by mutual consent . Which is what I did as the parent with day to day care of the boys, by the way.

The other thing that Obama and his coterie do not understand is that there will be a pushback. One of the reasons that the Left in NZ is basically broken is their last PM (Helen Clarke) was quite competent and was pushed (by the Greens) into banning smacking, knowing this would blow back at her. She needed the votes at the time.

You push too hard, and people will ignore you, and your ideology will be discredited for a generation.

These rulers will fail and fall. Do not let them take you down with them.

By: gunner451 Thu, 27 Mar 2014 23:07:00 +0000 I’m not sure that it’s a decision that they are aware of or a plan that they have to force Christians to support evil. More than anything it is about the power of the state to force you to do their bidding and to think their “correct thoughts”. Those who worship the state have a visceral reaction against any objections to their evil that was quite clearly spelled out when Paul wrote, “To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?”. Their father Satan does have a plan but for the most part these people are just reacting on a gut level and not planning out or scheming to have Christians buy into the evil.

But I would avoid like the plague American women and especially those that claim to be Christian as from my experience they are so pickled in the most toxic form of American feminism that it will be nothing but heartache and misery being married to one. And you can bet that once they’ve become bored with you they will find some excuse to divorce you and hold any children you may have had with her hostage to whatever whims of revenge or financial needs she may have.
