Note: He offered to pay for her to see another OB, as her insurance only covered his practice. Out of his pocket. That wasn’t acceptable. I saw a picture of them with her children… four children… so obviously she managed to work around his unwillingness to do something against his faith. Still, she sued. She won.
Had I been the judge, I’d have laughed her out of court. MOST of the people I hear about being sued in like manner were equally courteous to their customers, serving them in all occasions where it didn’t force them to break their faith. Cookies? Yes. Wedding cakes? No. Referring them to the competition, often offering to pay.
My snarky side wants to see if we can send the neo-Nazis to order tshirts from gay tshirt companies… but that’s not Christian. This is what’s meant by “turn the other cheek” imo .
I wonder how quickly Christians will start to leave businesses catering to the public.