Notes on Revman and Arch (bang).

Much better. Xfce4.10, with better icons, and random monochrome seascapes
Much better. Xfce4.10, with better icons, and random monochrome seascapes
I have been forced to change my server computer OS. This is something I don’t like doing as I lose generally two nights sleep changing over the experimental machine and then a day getting backups done. But the issue is (again) java and Revman.

Revman is the Cochrane collaboration analysis software. it is multiplatform, and written in Java. The main reason I have continued to use Xubuntu on the servers has been because the implementation of the Java Runtime Environment simply works. Until the last few weeks, where the jdk has become flakey. As in crashing, repetatively, when I have reviews checked out. Which is embarrasing.

I knew, from explorations with manjaro, that Arch had a stable java — Debian sid, on which Ubuntu derives its software, no longer has one (and neither, in my hands, do the RPM based distros such as Red Hat (fedora) and OpenSUSE).

So why not Manjaro? Well, under testing, it has become flakey.  Arch is difficult: Archbang, which is basically Arch with a script that installs X and openbox, works quite nicely, and is currently pretty. (Not that it matters much)

So… the tasks are

  1. Download the iso for Archbang.
  2. Install. There is a good tutorial on the live disk.
  3. Post install, ensure that the authentication system is in place. Google the tutorial from Archbang to help.
  4. Add libreoffice and whatever else you want… such as R.
  5. Add openjdk7
  6. Download revman. Install in the usual way as root “sh Revman*.sh”
  7. You can then, from a terminal, invoke Revman by typing “$ Review\ Manager\ 5” (Bash includes autocomplete)
  8. Login to your reviews in the usual way (From Archie, and you need to be a member of Cochrane to do that)

On statistics, R is easy to install (“pacman -S R”) and the R wiki page has instructions for rkward and Rstudio (which I have not as yet used)

Zotero is best installed as a plugin for firefox and Libreoffice.

Finally,  for multimedia, this tutorial will have more than you need.



I have got revman working in this system: it is far best to start it from a terminal. I have managed to get the USB disk with backups working (you have to switch the USB drive modules on ‘sudo modprobe usb-drive” and then remember to mount eg ‘mkdir /mnt/usb’ then ‘mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt/usb’. Once mounted you can copy to your heart’s content.

And when looking for eye candy, I found this.