Comments on: Against the vegan in us. Bleak Theology: Hopeful Science Sat, 25 Oct 2014 21:47:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cranberry Thu, 10 Apr 2014 11:54:00 +0000 Chris, I’ve just been catching up on some reading. I missed this when it was posted. It’s a good one.

I wrestle with lots of things in life, constantly it seems, and diet is one of them. Veganism is a conceit; you won’t save any animals or feed any poor people by eating imported quinoa and avocadoes. But in a similar vein is the paleo diet, one I have tried but just cannot stick with for too long. I feel like I’m doing nothing but eating meat all day, and I like meat but enough already! Give me some nice homemade bread with jam and I’m happy with that, too. So I try not to worry.

I have also wondered at the conflict between “paleo” and Christianity, what some have acerbically labeled a “cult of Wheat”. Some paleo bloggers assure us that there is no conflict. Others say evolution contradicts Christian doctrine so you can’t do both…others wonder why a God would create celiac disease if we were commanded to eat wheat…And as for solidarity with the poor, there are many poor in the world who would jump at the chance to eat some meat, and who seem fine overall on a diet of grains and beans, when they get to eat them.

Can you say confusion? So I look deep into myself and know that what I’m really commanded by God to do is not be a glutton. So I don’t indulge in gluttony, and I remember my body is a temple and the only earthly home for my soul, and I treat it as well as I can.

God never said we had to be ascetics. Earth is bountiful. Just be thankful for the bounty and praise God for it.

By: chrisgale Tue, 25 Mar 2014 23:13:00 +0000 But SWPL have to identify with the oppressed in the most conspicuous manner possible…. (and yes, I agree with you)

By: Wiless Tue, 25 Mar 2014 18:46:00 +0000 Veganism is stupid SWPL bullshit.
Insects still die in the process of harvesting plants; there is no ‘cruelty free’ agriculture…
So eat what you want, and don’t let your conscience be bothered…
