Comments on: DSM-5 is not as user friendly as ICD-10. Bleak Theology: Hopeful Science Tue, 05 Nov 2013 18:08:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: pukeko Sun, 09 Jun 2013 01:22:17 +0000 Count your blessings. Key is not bad, but the idea of Sheep plus the Greens gives me the cold sweats.

There is a reasonable choice between the centre (right) in NZ and OZ — because the green votes will be needed by Labo(u)r in both countries.

And in the USA, Obama has become so fascist that again there is a clear choice.

The times of tweedledum, tweedledee and King Log are, unfortunately, gone.

By: will Sun, 09 Jun 2013 00:47:30 +0000 Damn if only we had an alternative to witch gillard. Considering tony abbot as not much better.

By: pukeko Sat, 08 Jun 2013 01:11:12 +0000 Yeah, I have had a look, and it is about half right.

And half wrong. There is no question among the early Christian writers that the martial virtues are to be honoured. But the Lordship and grasping for power and wealth that was also part of the Roman way — along with pederasty, tactical divorces, infanticide and the use of violence as entertainment for the dependant masses — was damned.

on everything but the Christians refusal to worship the emperor, the Stoics and neoPlatonists found themselves with allies. The theolgians have technical words for this — around everyone knowing the law.

What we have done over the last three generations (Boomers, X and millenials) is double down and double down again of feminism, which holds these virtues in contempt. We how have a second generation of men who do not know their fathers. And the ability — referring back to Sparta, which is what you were linking to — to stand, fight, and confront corruption (ie to have both physical and moral courage) is weaker.

And, given your australian email, I suggest you consider the ALP of Gillard. No brains, no spine, no balls… and dog tucker by the end of the year. We do not want society to follow that path.

By: will Sat, 08 Jun 2013 01:04:15 +0000 Have you read this article?
