Comments on: Let us give offence. Bleak Theology: Hopeful Science Fri, 05 May 2017 23:41:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: We set the agenda (not others, trolls included). | Dark Brightness Mon, 03 Dec 2012 01:05:58 +0000 […] why a family lost the ability to foster kids is because they did not believe in multiculturalism, and then got angry that I did not look at their […]

By: Chris Sun, 02 Dec 2012 07:13:06 +0000 No. and you are banned.

By: crankeepants Sun, 02 Dec 2012 06:42:00 +0000 Did you even watch the interview embedded within the article you linked too?

You have got the wrong end of the stick.

Vid makes perfectly clear that the children were from a “multicultural” background and that the foster carers are opposed to that background. Exactly what message do you think that is going to send to the children?
This didn’t occur in NZ, I’m pretty sure they aren’t Maori and the foster carers were not kin.

By: chrisgale Sat, 01 Dec 2012 18:40:00 +0000 The junior doctor I work with (Female, 26, and not a traditionalist — was shocked when doing advanced training in gynae when someone argued the age was 16. At 18 –20 your pelvic tendons are much tigher and more rigid, at 16 they are flexible and the pelvis stretches…

I’d argue for 18 as the female brain makes changes around self blame for everything to being able to attribute blame elsewhere and is more aware of their mortality around then.

It is the age when you can vote, at least here, or marry without parental permission.

By: chrisgale Sat, 01 Dec 2012 18:36:00 +0000 No, I disagree with you. I have worked with people where we have had to place kids. Frequently. And we always try to work within family, whanau and hapu.

Regardless of ethnicity.

Disagreement about multiculti? IT DOES NOT WORK. Full stop. About the only thing I agree with Pita Sharples from the Maori Party on.

By: TradChristianity Sat, 01 Dec 2012 15:20:00 +0000 Joseph never consummated the marriage, which was common with such young wives. Virgin widows were not unheard of.

Anything earlier than 18 and you endanger the health of the mother and children, which is highly imprudent. You also rob her of the chance to properly discern her vocation and complete her basic education and training. Ignorant wives being nearly as useless as over-educated ones.

By: crankeepants Sat, 01 Dec 2012 11:12:00 +0000 You still don’t perceive why they were removed even though I have kindly gone into detail above explaining it! You still persist in erroneously believing it is a political issue, with the council social workers just not liking the political beliefs of the foster carers. Unbelievable. Not everyone is a as shallow thinking as you. The last thing any social worker or foster agency wants to do is yet again remove a child from another family/placement after they have already suffered the trauma of removal from their own birth family. Placement transitions do not occur regularly and when they do occur, the reasons are well considered. Most agencies actually contract independent social workers or psychologists to assess the impact of a transition on a child and if it would be worth in respect to their psychological wellbeing and long term development.
They were removed because the carers are hostile and opposed to inculcating in the foster children a knowledge of the foster child’s own ethnicity, culture and religion. Which is clearly DIFFERENT to the foster carers. In other words, the child would have been raised with a sense that their own ethnicity was inferior or something to be ashamed of and forgotten, thus being extremely DAMAGING to their sense of self.
Do you get it now why they were removed or is this beyond your ability to understand? Please for the love of god, tell me you don’t work in mental health…

By: john Sat, 01 Dec 2012 07:42:00 +0000 In olden times the kids would have to grow up pretty fast. So ages 13-15 marriageable age is not inappropriate because the children are put to work at an early age and learn from around then. But due to the public school system any spark of inspiration that they had was killed early on because the design of the public school is to produce conforming drones.

By: Art Sat, 01 Dec 2012 04:57:00 +0000 I would say I am pretty comfortable with that, to be frank.

I know it isn’t modern, but who cares?

By: chrisgale Fri, 30 Nov 2012 09:30:00 +0000 Um, no.

I am reporting what Cramner said, who links through to the UK press about the Rotherham incident.

Now, unless you have details of that incident — then you have to accept their issue. I do not have a clue as to which ethnic group the foster kids were. (I’d assume they were the same as the parents, but I do not know that)

What you do, is imply that a person cannot work with someone they disagree with. That. is. bullshit.

This quite conservative Calvinist works with dykes and pagans most days. In mental health. With social workers. I know the NZ system from the inside.

So get off your high horse and do not tell me about professionalism. Or that political views disbar you…

For if they do, I have a long, long list of communists I personally know….
