For those of you all who have not had to deal with post modernists — I have, as they had infected my area via Lacan and Foucault — a narrative is a consistent set of statements that explain and account for actions. The narrative is seen as not absolute, but something bought into the world by the force of will.
And the left love the idea. Particularly the idea of controlling the narrative. Because they can, and because they are the elite, the people of taste. Unsavoury facts can be brushed aside.
Abnyway, this was taken apart in a thread at Dalrock’s. The example was maternal feelings… as Sunshine Mary notes.
I have heard a real, live, actual woman say this to me when I still worked in the public school system. Her son was falling apart and failing school and still completely distraught about his parents’ divorce the previous year. The woman sat in an IEP meeting in front of the special ed team and justified her divorce by saying that someday her kids would be grown up and then she’d be left in an unhappy marriage. We hadn’t even asked her to discuss it, but even then I thought, “Couldn’t you have at least waited to get divorced until the kids were grown up?”
Women used to love children. What happened?
Deti answered this — and his answer shows how narratives work.
Feminism told women that they were being traitors to the feminine cause and wasting their lives and talents if they were SAHMs.
Feminism lied to women that they could have it all and that if their current husband wasn’t attractive; then another, wealthier, more attractive man was waiting just around the corner to offer marriage.
Feminism lied to women than serial monogamy is just as moral as marriage.
Feminism lied to women that they would be very bit as attractive to men at age 50 with HPV and after 20 sex partners as they were as 18 year old disease free virgins.
And women believed the lies. Why? Because it tickled their ears. Because it was what they wanted to hear. Because it was easy and simple. Because they knew a second cousin’s friend’s mom who got to do all these things.
This is the narrative. That a woman can have it all. That the rules of biology do not apply to her. That she has choices — that all doors are open. And that there will be no adverse consequences to her choices.
And this narrative is a lie. No person can have it all. We all have limits. Biology gets to us all. The mortality rate for human beings is still 100%. Our beauty will fade, our strength will go. We will no longer be the centre of the universe. Now, feminists say this is not right — it is a patriarchal plot. Our narrative will triumph.
But their narrative will not survive them. THe generations who have swallowed this narrative spend their time on those ephemeral activities they call self actualization — forgetting that we are here not to do our will. We are here to do God’s will, and that is not part of the narrative.
Even Cohen knows this. We do not need to subvert the narrative as it has been illogical since a dying moron said women need men as much as fish need bicycles.