Comments on: A marraige will cause distress, but distress will come anyway. Bleak Theology: Hopeful Science Thu, 14 May 2015 10:45:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Mon, 12 Mar 2012 09:49:15 +0000 Almost every pagan religion has a place for priestesses — ranging from the Roman Vestal Virgins to the Shrine Prostitutes of Ashkelon and Corinth. I think the argument in the link is specious.

However, this requires that we accept something that modern society hates: Men and women are different. Equal in dignity, yes. Equally morally responsible, yes. But men and women… ain’t the same. (Which is part of the fun of it, anyway).

Now, there are biblical reasons that woman should speak.

1. You can be a prophetess: from Miriam in the OT to the daughters of Agabus in the New, women have prophesized. Consider for a second that Elisabeth’s prayer, or Mary’s is recorded in the gospels.
2. Teach each other. Older women should teach younger women To love their husbands and children

But not run churches. Now, no man should run a church by himself either. There is a reason why there are multiple elders, and that all pastors and priests need to be accountable to some form of consistory — which should include lay elders as well. One of the things about being an elder is that you are older: your kids are running the business, and thus your wife can teach and help the younger women and you can “sit at the gate” and help run the church.

By: will Mon, 12 Mar 2012 09:16:43 +0000 Yes and the church will have to man up. By the way concerning masculinity in christianity why can’t I find any good manly christian music? And about paul limiting the public teaching of women.. Not so as Pricilla taught men and women. According to this website not so rather it is contextual an only applied to ephesian women:

Would you clarify this for me?
