Comments on: The monstrous regiment (of the shameless) is going to fall. Bleak theology: hopeful science. Tue, 20 Dec 2011 21:15:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dark regiment | Kinolyar Dark regiment | Kinolyar Sat, 26 Nov 2011 15:26:01 +0000 [...] The monstrous regiment (of the shameless) is going to fall. | Dark … [...] [...] The monstrous regiment (of the shameless) is going to fall. | Dark … [...]

By: Will S. Will S. Fri, 25 Nov 2011 20:35:20 +0000 Ya figure, Chris? Mmm. Interesting. I suppose we may. Or at least, we specialize in 'J'accuse!', anyway... Ya figure, Chris? Mmm. Interesting. I suppose we may. Or at least, we specialize in ‘J’accuse!’, anyway…

By: Jennifer Jennifer Fri, 25 Nov 2011 01:22:55 +0000 Finally, a MAN who says it's called for to use shaming language sometimes! <strong>DDavid Collard, Bike Bubba, CL, 7man, Dalrock... ie. most of the traditionalists have said similar. And Patriareactionary specailises in shaming. </strong> Finally, a MAN who says it’s called for to use shaming language sometimes!

DDavid Collard, Bike Bubba, CL, 7man, Dalrock… ie. most of the traditionalists have said similar. And Patriareactionary specailises in shaming.

By: Tom Tom Wed, 23 Nov 2011 23:21:00 +0000 Hi, My first comment here. Reading this I am becoming more and more convicted that we are living in the age of the Church of Laodiceans. (Revelations 3:14+). As a result one must struggle to be one who overcomes.. Not easy and to be perfectly honest I don't know where to start and how I could even be successful. Prayer is required. But nonetheless, the attempt must be made. Hi,

My first comment here. Reading this I am becoming more and more convicted that we are living in the age of the Church of Laodiceans. (Revelations 3:14+).

As a result one must struggle to be one who overcomes.. Not easy and to be perfectly honest I don’t know where to start and how I could even be successful.

Prayer is required.

But nonetheless, the attempt must be made.
