Unity: method.

We are called to be united, but we disagree. We have always disagreed on:

  • the role and structure of the church,
  • the meaning of communion.
  • The meaning of the term saints.
  • The place of Mary.

We now find ourselves disagreeing on who and what Christ is: if he was a historical figure or some form of myth. Those liberals (who do not care about the issues that divided the classical churches — who all agreed on the saving grace of Christ ) have now led us do argue over the place of women in the church, accommodation of feminism, tolerance of immorality (heterosexual and homosexual) .

This has accelerated the shattering of the Church: within congregations and denominations as well as without. How do we deal with this? Again. Paul has been there before us. In his time the issue was keeping kosher.

Romans 14

13Let us therefore no longer pass judgment on one another, but resolve instead never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of another. 14I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself; but it is unclean for anyone who thinks it unclean. 15If your brother or sister is being injured by what you eat, you are no longer walking in love. Do not let what you eat cause the ruin of one for whom Christ died. 16So do not let your good be spoken of as evil. 17For the kingdom of God is not food and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit

via Daily Lectionary Readings — Devotions and Readings — Mission and Ministry — GAMC.

Let’s apply this.

  1. There is a whole pile of things that are immaterial to salvation. They may be useful tools, they may be not. If a person uses these tools we are not to condemn them (as a Presbyterian, I am not to mutter about Popish superstition or Charismatic happy clappy worship) and we should respect their scruples. Let’s take an example.If it is usual to wear white to Church (as it is in the Pacific Islands Congregations) I, attending the local multiracial church, can wear… black. Most of Dunedin wears black But if Sione and his wife wear white, that is OK. If I go to Sione’s Church, I better fit in. Paul says this is not merely simple manners. It is not putting a stumbling block in the way of others.
  2. However, we are not bound by these scruples. This is equally important, for otherwise we fall into a tyranny driven by the offended — completely with competitions to be the most sensitive and easily offended because that is seen as a proxy measure for righteousness. This gets ridiculous at times — there are conversations about the healthy and appropriate use of sex within a marriage — that are seen as somehow wrong because people indicate they enjoy themselves.

We are not called to be trapped into walls of our own making, or to insensitively trample on people’s opinions. Our calling — as the Westminster Catechism itself says — is to know God and Enjoy Him Forever. In seeking unity, we should neither obscure our differences nor abolish joy. For we live by the grace of God and the power of the holy spirit, who have lifted from us the condemnation we richly deserve. And the correct response to that is to live in confidence and in joy.


  1. Svar says:

    Do you think that the Church will survive the onslaught of liberalism?

  2. pukeko says:


    I’m 50. When I was a youngster, the Liberals almost swamped the Presbyterian Church in NZ. But the evangelicals united and supported each other. Then there was a revival of some intensity — which combined with the Charasmatic movement.

    As the state became more and more secular, the only people who bothered with church were the believers. And they (reformed, remember) as good reformed people read their bibles and prayed

    The evangelical wing of the Presbyterian Church is alive and well. The liberal side is dying.

    So did catharism and gnosticism, by the way.

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