The mechanisms of the SJW endgame.

Nic Cohen is a good read. Mainly because he is correct. And right, but the political right can be quite stupidly wrong: if one does not believe this can I submit the US Republican party as evidence.

But the far left virtue signaling and tribal loyalty falls neatly into treason as certainly as it did in the 1930s, when the Webbs wrote hagiographies of the man who refined the Soviet human sewage system, Stalin.

The Tories strategy is clear: they don’t just want to beat Labour, they want to destroy it. They will taint the whole party with accusations of treason. A Labour leader who apologizes for Putin, Iran, and Hezbollah and every variety of crank, Holocaust denier and hate preacher gives them every opportunity to do so. A politician, who cannot even bring himself to sing the national anthem – at a Battle of Britain memorial service, for goodness sake – is wide open to the accusation that he loves Britain’s enemies more than he loves Britain.

Here is a question interviewers have yet put to a Labour MP, but will ask, the longer this chaos goes on. However much you deplore the Tories, however much you hate having this awful choice being forced on you, do you in your heart fear a Cameron or an Osborne government less than the Corbyn administration? You only have to raise the question to know the answer millions of voters will give.

The assault is not only ideological but institutional. As Dan Hodges said in a Telegraph piece every Labour supporter read, the vindictive Trade Union Bill going through the Commons shows that the Tories want to bankrupt Labour, and wipe it off the face of the earth.

People who are doing the current courses in Arts are being labelled as snowflakes and then unemployable. We may not have a snowflake badge (as Popehat suggests we need) but most employers — particularly within a state — can read a transcript and pull out the fluff courses and name the precious Gollums with tenure. And not employ their graduates.

But wait! Isn’t the snowflake/non-snowflake decision too binary, you ask? Won’t schools that make a choice always be riven by snowflake vs. non-snowflake conflict, with some schools lurching back and forth?

Perhaps. That’s why we can implement market forces within schools as well.

Imagine: “Snowflake Choice” schools have a Snowflake Registry. Students, staff, and academics can choose to sign up for that registry, or refuse to. Only folks on the registry can assert a right not to be offended, and pursue offense-related grievances. If you’re on the Snowflake Registry, you are subject to full punishment for causing offense. If you’re not on the Snowflake Registry, you’re subject to punishment only with respect to self-selected Snowflake Classes and Snowflake Activities and Snowflake Departments. You might get kicked out of Professor Feels’ classes but not Professor Grownup’s classes.

Once again, this lets market forces take hold. Do I want to take history from a professor on the Snowflake Registry, knowing I can get kicked out of her class if I offend someone? Or do I want to sign up for a class taught by a professor not on the registry? Do I want to major in a Snowflake Subject, or a non-Snowflake subject?

Transcripts, naturally, would reflect status. I’d be able to see if a job applicant only took classes from Snowflakes, and act accordingly. I’d be able to see if an applicant’s major was in a Snowflake Department. I’d be able to notice if a student got all As from non-Snowflake teachers but Cs from Snowflake-teachers, and draw appropriate conclusions.

But to quote the Vox, the administrators will show their Gollum status by doubling down. And the ridiculousness of this will cause people to avoid things. The SJW cadre were once feared. This is less so. For the SJW have not just jumped the shark, they have done a piked triple somersault with double twists in doing so. To the point of making South Park

That said, no one watching this episode with an objective mind can doubt that this is one of Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s finest creations. Now in its 19th season, South Park retains its ability to be shocking, funny, and above all relevant. From the 9/11 truther movement to the language stormtroopers of the trans acceptance movement, the show is relentless in its mockery of our collective manias.

There’s icing on the cake: not content with just one episode’s worth of SJW-inspired insanity, PC Principal is set to be a recurring character on the show. I suspect the show’s creators and I share the same opinion: social justice warriors are worth far more than just 20 minutes of comedy. They’re going to entertain us for years to come.

No, Milo, they will not. They will fade. The progressive experiment has failed. It is over.

A revolution is coming. Unfortunately. It will be white, not red: and the counter revolutions historically have been far more bloody than the red ones, but less oppressive in the longer term. I pray that we will change before this happens.


  1. Will S. said:

    I don’t. A cleansing is in order, and those who let things get this way, and/or who have cheered them on, deserve to get it good and hard, a la Mencken.

    September 19, 2015
    • Will S. said:

      (“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” – H. L. Mencken)

      September 19, 2015

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