And they always double down.

Apparently Amazon has taken down an Anti Scalzi parody. Which is causing a huge amount of amusement over at the Voxsite among his ilk and dark minions. And then this comes up… (edited for coherence)

Screenshot 2015-09-03 14.26.42

I’m still amazed that “Don’t be Evil” Google™ allows this blog and it’s comment section to exist. To this very day, I am amazed. Does VD possess the powers of digital invisibility? The posts and the comments belie everything the sitzpinklers who Occupy Google preach.

Amazon, at least, has the (as the Pope would say) huevos to ban Wrongthink. Google hasn’t noticed this force? I can hardly wrap my mind around it, unless I invoke Admiral Ackbar.

I’ll see you folks in the camps. I’ll be the prep cook, and the dishwasher, and vile and faceless. (Why are you still on this platform, Vox? The mind…. it boggles.)

Surely you have the (as the Pope would say) the pesos to get your own domain. I don’t get it. I don’t get why Google ain’t done shut you down, and I don’t get why you ain’t done said “Screw You, Google — I’m Out.”

I can use that patois (sp? I ain’t got French down pat because I was raised with smart people who do stuff, and not with Google employees who know linguistic shit and stuff.)

Well, this is either concern trolling or black ops. Most of the Ilk are a less obvious. I’m thinking this may be a SJW trying to be clever…. and which point one has to say, what are you thinking? You have terrible tactics. You are being mocked across the blogosphere for getting parodies you don’t like taken down, and now are threatening to take the blogs that mock you down.

Not realizing that the same tactics can be used against you, and the conversations will move to other places. This blog is self-hosted. It would take me two minutes to set up, and five to let Beale have permission to run it. (And Vox, if you want this & don’t mind using wordpress, email me).