TL:DR: woman, don’t be boring.

Stacey McCain delves through the sewer that is the modern feminist cant. I had a quick look at Bailey Poland’s twitter stream and left: it’s pretensious, very politically correct… and incredibly boring.

Yes, boring. A bit of a bully, with the standard victim rhetoric to cover any viciousness she has… but boring. Nothing new here: the only thing she has is a youtube video, a few million tweets and facey. Let’s compare her with someone like Roosh: multiple books and recent lecture tour. Or Cappy Capitalism: a few less tweets and a few good books, a business, and spends his sommer clinibing.

Not boring. Cool. Someone you’d want to emulate. The standard feminist is too long in her speech, and her soul is blank. Do not read it: go elsewhere.

The moron is strong in this one.
The moron is strong in this one.

The feminist can be as cruel and selfish as she wants to be, but any male who behaves similarly is condemned for “misogyny.” Bailey Poland derides men who seek a “fantasy relationship,” but what about her own fantasies? Yeah, buddy — her with the whip in her hand, and you on your knees, helplessly begging for mercy.

Guys, just walk away. There are more than 3.5 billion women in the world, not all of whom are cold-hearted monsters who demand that you genuflect at the throne of the Bitch Goddess.

So, young woman, what should you do? The answer is simple: do something. Play squash. Go on tramps (hikes). Run races. Become a gym bunny or a crossfit chick. Play an instrument: develop a craft. Use pinterert for inspiration and sell things on etsy.

Be pleasant when you meet people,, and there will be results. Be unpleasant, be political and you will be alone.

You will be alone. Consider this: I used to watch AFL (when it is shown on NZ TV) because it is one of the most athletic games that exist. But the social warriors are using violence as a wedge issue. It has become repetitive. It is seen as false. It is boring. And people walk away.

I feel the same way about Rugby League and the Super XV (pro rugby): the game I used to enjoy watching on a winter’s afternoon (rarely when young: my Saturday afternoon was spend running cross-country until I could not do that due to multiple and chronic injuries) is now played under floodlights on a Saturday night, with multiple agendas

Nobody in the left-wing media is talking about the economy, our national debt, cost of living, unemployment, crime, the family breakdown and other serious issues which affect a great percentage of the population. Instead it is all about gay marriage, “refugees” (aka illegal immigrants), imagined sexism and other fringe issues that in reality affect only a tiny minority.

The Goodes saga and the AFL’s constant pandering to social justice warriors reflect the pathetic direction Australia has taken over the past decade or so. Let the minority dictate the agenda. Shut down all criticism. You’re just booing him because you’re racist; you’re only criticising me because you are sexist. Heck, even our last Prime Minister, the most powerful person in the country, tried to play the victim card.

I used to love AFL football, but I’m sick of the constant bombardment of left-wing politics. These days I enjoy my Australian football at the grass roots level only, watching the Victorian Amateur Football Association. I no longer want to watch the game played at the highest level.

I miss the sport, but because Australian men no longer have mainstream masculine activities untainted by PC feminism, it’s a price I’m prepared to pay.

But… to talk about the economy, about unemployment, about institutionalized Fatherlessness… means that you will have to think. And not bleat the current talking points. That may be less safe: your brain might hurt and your “right on” friends disown you.

But you will not be boring.