Monthly stats (changing to statcounter)

I have changed the public way of recording numbers this month, statcounter has replaced sitemeter. So those numbers are partial.

I’m not the only person who is having problems. As the compiler of the Kiwi Blog rankings notes:

The problems with SiteMeter are even worse this month. No data could be obtained for about 50 blogs using SiteMeter. People have also reported strange results. So if you wish to query the information in the table I suggest you check out the data in the SiteMeter pages.

If you are using SiteMeter, and especially if you find you page isn’t included this month, I suggest you consider transferring to a more reliable counter like StatCounter. Have a look at the NZ Blog Rankings FAQs if you need help with this.

Google gives this on my dashboard…

Screenshot 2015-07-01 11.29.12

And statcounter is now only keeping the last 500 hits, which means about one day’s data. This is a feature in my mind, not a bug.

Next month we should have reliable numbers.

One Comment

  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on news. Regards

    July 19, 2015

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