The heterosexual apostate.

Unlike many within the church, I don’t worry too much about those with same-sex desires. It is not my problem: the teaching is clear — marry or be celibate — and on the need to be celibate we can compare notes without having to be specific about the temptations.

But much more important are those who twist the words for us heterosexuals, making feelings trump the clear words of scripture and the clear meaning of vows. We promise “for better and worse” knowing that worse will come: if not poverty the illness and death. The mortality rate of the human species is still 100%.

And abuse is not grounds for divorce. I Corinthians is clear: divorce has no place in the church: the pagan spouse can divorce his believing one.

To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.

To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord): If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.

But if the unbeliever leaves, let it be so. The brother or the sister is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace. How do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or, how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?

I see but one ground for divorce; your spouse has walked away. Out of fellowship with you, and out the church: in times when we had a spine in the church the spouse would have been excommunicated and disfellowshipped. We do not have to be in happy marriages. We do have to obey God. But the modern preachers look at these rules and decide to soften them.

Which leaves those of us who have been divorced, or abandoned, or broken walking in a fog. Here the Roman and Orthodox teaching has been wiser, for they have not (yet) moved their teaching to fit with the spirit of the age. But many preachers in Protestantism have. And in doing so, they skirt heresy, if not apostasy.

He is also weaving this with a feminist frame and a whole host of feminist talking points, not just DV. He thinks he is better than you. He thinks he is God. If he makes you feel bad, he is sinning. If you nag him, he made you do it by not being a good enough leader. It is perfectly tuned to make every wife in the room angry at her husband, while encouraging feminist rebellion and putting the husbands all on the defensive.

I didn’t read through the whole sermon so maybe he included this, but to be thorough he should have complained about men leaving the toilet seat up, the pay gap, and women being “forced” to wear high heels, etc.

Well this is wrong, and it is not merely Sarah’s Daughter who is teaching this. Yes, this teaching is seen as cruel and unloving. But confusion on these issues is far, far worse.

2. Women, how do you respond to the idea of male headship?

The idea? A quick search reveals seven declarations of this “idea” by God.

The word “is” does not, at all, equal “an idea”.

How I respond to it is very much the same as how I respond to John 3:16.

Genesis 2:18 reveals my purpose. This fool of a pastor implies that part of that purpose is to ensure my husband walks some arbitrary and completely subjective path between his two ditches and encourages me to tattle on him to the church should he meander into one or the other ditch. So to whom then would I be submitting? He who I was created for or this false leader who, without shame, is telling women to not obey God; 1 Peter 3:1-6.

The trouble in all this is that it subverts what should happen, what is beautiful within a marriage. For us, true marriage is the goal, and the current legalistic formulation we have to acknowledge (so it is licensed) is not.

We may be scarred and broken and want nothing more to do with this, but we have children, we have sisters, we have brothers. And we need to start living by other rules as our society implodes, not change our rules to meet those of society. The pagans will go down to perdition, taking as many with them as possible: it is our duty to snatch people from this flood of damnation.

You’re right. SJW fags and male feminists need to suffer; With respect, though, I don’t think that’s the average redpill dude we tend to talk about here on this board.

There are a lot of men here who really want to get married. Many others (Scott is a good example) have sons and daughters who are on their way to being solid people. We should be helpful — or at least not be a hindrance — to their efforts. One of the obvious ways we can be helpful is to morally support these dudes.

Yes, some of them may end up in divorce court, despite doing everything right. I would like to think I’ll be here to help such a man strategize about how to minimize his losses and keep in contact with his kids. I often wish my own father had a group like this one when my bio mom decided to kidnap me. It probably would have been a huge help. In the meantime, the ones who make it will raise up functional kids who can help build the new society on the shitheap that is this collapsing one. We will need such men and women in the next generation, and they can’t be grown in a laboratory.

No. These men need to be grown in a church. One that preaches the gospel, not a watered down apostasy. That overtly proclaims that those of faith will face travail, persecution, suffering and even death in the name of Christ.

Let the elite preach comforting lies. We should have nothing to do with them, nor should we have an ambition to be like them.