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Frazetta's wife

A pile of good stuff is out there.

The main aim of education in the old days was to develop you ability to detect bullshit.

.“Gentlemen, you are now about to embark on a course of studies that (will) form a noble adventure…Let me make this clear to you. ..nothing that you will learn in the course of your studies will be of the slightest possible use to you in after life – save only this – that if you work hard and intelligently, you should be able to detect when a man is talking rot, and that, in my view, is the main, if not the sole purpose of education

This is anathema to Modern Educationalists. They want you to believe their bullshit.

Solomon, via the spearhead, has a 90 second speech for men about women. I would tell women the same thing applies to men. This is the bullet point version of his posting — read his, I’ll wait.

  • There are no good women, and there are no bad women. There are just women.
  • Women do what they want when they want and justify their actions later.
  • That’s why it’s important to find a woman of character who is naturally inclined to do the things which are wholesome, respectful, productive, and conducive to rearing the offspring produced by your potential union.
  • A woman’s character is of utmost importance. A woman’s past actions matter.
  • What defines a woman of good character varies from man to man. Know which character traits are important to you.
  • Study to learn the signs of these traits, and study harder to learn how manipulative women mimic these traits when they are not in possession of them.
  • Recognize, protect, and celebrate a woman of good character, for she is exceedingly rare.
  • The bullet points may help someone… But I would add one other

    • LIke follows like. You will choose people who have your flaws in character. So… as Solomon says in his main post. Work on being the best person you can be. Make wise choices.

    I’d like to finish by citing the wonderful Grerp (If she is as good a person as she is a writer, her hushand has a person he should cherish) who writes on having alternatives to credit cards for daily wants and needs

    There are many lessons to be learned in doing things with your hands, arms, legs, and back, and not all of them are obvious. Our modern society disdains physical labor and pushes consumption of pre-made goods, and it is true that many goods are at least as well made in the factory as they are by hand. But there is only so much wisdom you can glean from sliding your credit card through a machine. You will also value things you make yourself more. Get dirty, get sweaty, experience something new by making it yourself.

    Grerp is wise beyond her years, and should be on anyones blogroll.